Zuora Post Usage File

The Zuora Post Usage File is used to send a usage data file to Zuora Billing using the Zuora Post Usage API. You can post usage data for one or more accounts by uploading a usage file in the comma-separated value (.csv) format.


  • The name of a usage file must not be longer than 50 characters, including the length of the file name extension.

  • The maximum size of the usage file uploaded must not exceed 2 MB. If the size of the file exceeds 2 MB, it will be split into multiple files.

  • After configuring the Zuora Post Usage Function, it is important to remember that the data that is displayed initially in the Preview is mock data. Mock data refers to fake data that is displayed to prevent unintentional resource posting during the preview. You must run the stream to produce the actual results.


To configure the Zuora Post Usage File Function:

  1. In Environment, to access the Zuora tenant environment, specify:






The name of the Zuora environment.


The base URL for the REST endpoint. If the Custom tenant is selected, specify the appropriate endpoint.

  1. If the Zuora tenant is available, you can access the Zuora REST API using the following endpoints:


Base URL for REST Endpoints


Base URL for REST Endpoints

US Production


US API Sandbox


US Performance Test


EU Production


EU Sandbox



You can also access your own custom tenant environment. Specify the URL for your endpoint.



The Zuora endpoint that we are using for the Zuora Post Usage File Function is POST /v1/object/usage (https://rest.zuora.com/v1/object/usage)


  1. In Credentials, you can choose to authenticate using two methods. In Authenticate by specifying:

Authentication Type



Authentication Type




Client ID

The client ID that is displayed when the OAuth client is created in Zuora. 

Client Secret

The client secret ID that is displayed when the OAuth client is created in Zuora.


Access Key ID

The identifier that is used to sign the requests sent to Zuora. It is displayed when the API User is created in Zuora.

Secret Access Key

The key that is used along with the Access Key ID to cryptographically sign the Zuora requests.


You can also use the Secrets Wallet toggle button to select a predefined Zuora secret from your Secrets Wallet.


  1. In File Information, specify the name of the usage file that is sent to Zuora in Filename and provide a Description. 


  1. In Entity, if you have the Zuora Multi-entity feature enabled, you can specify the name of the entity you want access to. Zuora Multi-entity provides the capability to create and manage multiple entities within a single Zuora tenant. For more information on Zuora Multi-entity, refer to https://knowledgecenter.zuora.com/Billing/Tenant_Management/Multi-entity.

  2. In Field Mapping, you must specify the Source Field based on the input from the previous function for the appropriate Target Field. There are four mandatory Target Fields which must be mapped to the Source Fields: ACCOUNT_ID, UOM, QTY and STARTDATE. The target fields are defined according to the Usage File Format, refer to https://www.zuora.com/developer/api-reference/#operation/POST_Usage. You can also add a custom field mapping by clicking Add custom field mapping.