Email Attachment

The Email Attachment function sends email notifications and attachments using an external SMTP server. To configure the function, valid credentials are required. 


  • Multiple attachments can be sent in an email instead of a single attachment.
  • To include multiple attachments in an email, configure multiple collectors for the Email Attachment Function. Set the filename option to Collector filename.

To configure the Email Attachment function, take the following steps:

  1. In SMTP Settings, enter the following details of the SMTP server you want to use. Optionally, credentials from the Secrets Wallet can be used:

    SMTP Settings optionDescription
    Host nameURL of the SMTP server.
    PortPort number of the SMTP. You can use either of the following options:
    • 25: Port number for a non-TLS connection
    • 465: Port number for a TLS connection
    UsernameUsername of the SMTP server account
    PasswordPassword of the SMTP server account
    TLS Only

    By default, this checkbox is selected. In this case, the connection will enforce the use of TLS when connecting to the server.

    If you clear this checkbox, the TLS is used only if the server supports the STARTTLS extension.


    In most cases, it is recommended to select this checkbox if you are connecting to port 465. Clear this checkbox if you are connecting to port 587 or 25.

  2. In the Recipients, you must enter the mandatory recipient information, it can be either a single person or a recipient group(s). 

    RecipientsHere the recipient and/or recipient group(s) email addresses need to be entered.
    CCWhen toggled this will enable the sending out of carbon copies of the emails. 
    BCCWhen toggled this will enable the sending out of blank carbon copies of the emails. 
  3. The New Message section is used to configure the sender message information. The following fields are available: 

    FromIn this field, the sender's email address is entered.
    SubjectIn this field, the subject line of the sent message is entered. 
    MessageHere the body text of the email is entered. 
  4. If you select Attach records as file(s), you can access the Filename options section to attach the records as file(s).

    Cloud Edition follows this behavior: 

    • If the attach record as file(s) is not selected, an email will be sent with no payload attached.
    • If the attach record as file(s) is selected, an email with the designated payload will be sent. 
  5. In Filename information, enter the following details of the file(s) that you want to attach with the email.

    File Output OptionsDescription
    Collector filename

    Select Collector filename if you want to keep the same filename as your input file(s).

    If the collector does not have a filename, for example Counter, the system generates a name based on the Function.

    Custom filename

    Select Custom filename to define a new filename for all the output files.

  6. In File format, select the format of the output file(s) from the following options:

    File formatDescription
    CSVSelect to generate the output file in CSV format. Select Include table header to include the table header in the output file(s).
    Specify a Delimiter for the CSV file format. The default value is ','.
    ExcelSelect to generate the output file in Excel format. You can also specify the Sheet name. The default sheet name is Sheet 1.

    There is an option to toggle on the Include table header in the emails.