SAP Subscription Billing

The SAP Subscription Billing forwarder function is used to send preceding processed records or usage records to the SAP Subscription Billing system using the Batch/usage-records API. The usage records are sent in batches, with each batch consisting of 500 records. You can configure this function by the following settings:


To activate this feature, enter the required SAP credentials into the Environment section.






The SAP Subscription Billing tenant name


The SAP SB Subscription Billing region



Under Select from secrets wallet, select an already-defined SAP Subscription Billing secret type credentials from the Secrets Wallet.

Required fields

The following mandatory fields in the Required fields section must be filled for the forwarder to function correctly: 






The identifier of the customer


The start date of the period of usage consumption


The end date of the period of usage consumption


The identifier of the metrics of usage, for example, MB or number of downloads


The number of usage units

Optional fields

You may add optional fields to store additional values. All values can be mapped to custom parameters, depending on the desired end result. This can be used in cases when the SAP Subscription Billing system requires custom naming of the expected data.

Under Optional fields, you can provide a mapping of your own choice. Click on Add field mapping, and select a target field and source field.

Existing optional fields can be removed by clicking on the Delete button Delete icon.png on the same line.


Optionally, you can define the Items parameters by clicking the Add item button. Expand the newly-created drop-down list to expand the parameters entry screen and fill in the necessary codes and values.






Specify the code representing the pricing-relevant field.

Expected format: 

string =


The date value of the pricing-relevant field

Expected format: 

quantityValue - value

The quantity value of the pricing-relevant field.

Expected format: 
minimum: 0
maximum: 9999999999.999
multipleOf: 0.001

quantityValue - unit

The unit of the quantity

Expected format: 

pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,3}$


The string value of the pricing-relevant field

Expected format: 

maxLength: 255

ratioValue - denominator

The denominator of the ratio value of the pricing-relevant field.

Expected format: 

minimum: 0
maximum: 99999999999.99998
multipleOf: 0.00001

ratioValue - numerator

The numerator of the ratio value of the pricing-relevant field.

Expected format: 

minimum: 0
maximum: 99999999999.99998
multipleOf: 0.00001

Existing items can be removed by clicking on the Delete button Delete icon.png on the same line.

Custom reference

In addition to the drop-down list for items, you can create custom reference fields to store additional IDs. See Custom references fields below. 

Custom reference fields

In SAP Subscription Billing, you can define custom reference fields for storing references to related data, such as external documents.

You can create custom reference fields by following these steps to add the references: 

  1. Click Add custom reference.

  2. Select the typecode value from the drop-down menu to reference the source field name.

  3. Select the id value from the drop-down menu to reference the source field name.

Existing custom reference fields can be removed by clicking on the Delete button Delete icon.png on the same line.

Operational settings

In Operational settings, you can configure how you want the function to behave.

You can toggle on the Retry on fail functionality, allowing the service to retry the operation when error codes such as 500 or 503 has occurred due to intermittent server issues. You can specify the number of retries in the Number of retries box, where the retries will be attempted inside the dynamically adjusted period of retry time. This is only useful for 5xx error codes.


The maximum number of allowed retries is 12 and all retries will be attempted in a total span of approximately 68 minutes.  

You can choose to either Ignore or Stop the stream when requests still fail after specified retries have been executed.

Action on retry options


Action on retry options



Select to ignore the error and the stream keeps on running.

Stop the stream

Select to stop the stream.

The default value is Ignore.

Response handling

Toggling the Response handling on will allow you to Select Interconnect receiver.

The SAP Subscription Billing forwarder allows you to select an existing Interconnect Receiver which will forward the response details (ID, Status, Body), and the request body (ID, Body) to the SAP Subscription Billing system. A second stream can use the Interconnect Receiver to accept the response details (ID, Status, and Body), and the request body (ID, and payload) forwarded by the SAP Subscription Billing forwarder, to track the status of the record in SAP Subscription Billing. If the stream fails for any reason, the SAP Subscription Billing forwarder will not send anything through the Interconnect Sender.


It is recommended to enable response handling if you want to review individual responses of the requests sent in the batch(es).