
In Usage Engine, you can be an admin of an account and have the possibility to manage other users of that account and view their activity log. To be an administrator, you must either be the one who created that account or be added as an Admin by an existing admin of that account. When a user is given access to an account, they become a Member of that account and receive an email with information about the account they were added to and the permission type assigned to them for that account. There are three permission types that can be assigned to a member: Admin, User, and Guest. The permission type assigned to you determines your access rights within Usage Engine. For more information, see Permission Types.

You can view which accounts you are a member of by clicking the active account drop-down menu on the top bar and you can select which account you want to enter. The Admin option on the sidebar is enabled only if you have been added with the Admin permission type for that account.

Permission Types

You can be added as a member to an account, by an Admin for the relevant account. When members are added to an account, they receive an email with information about the account they were added to and the permission type that has been assigned. 


The Admin permission type has full access to all functions in Usage Engine. The Admin is the only role that can:

  • Add/Manage members of an account

  • Assign permission types to members

  • Remove members from an account


The User permission type provides full access to all functions in Usage Engine, limited only by not being able to manage account members.


The Guest permission type has limited access to Usage Engine. The Guest can view almost all aspects of Usage Engine, member management excluded.


If you have the Guest role in an account, the fields, buttons, and features that you do not have access rights to are disabled. A notification at the top of the user interface indicates that you have read-only access.

A Guest has access to the following actions: 

  • View Solutions

  • View Streams

  • Export Streams

  • Start Streams

  • Stop Streams

  • Create Stream Schedules

  • Edit Stream Schedules

  • Abort Stream Schedules

  • View Log

  • View Metrics

  • View Data Correction

  • View Notification Group

  • View Notification at Stream

  • View Stream Group

  • View Streams in Stream Group

  • Create Stream Group Schedule

  • Abort Stream Group Schedule

  • Start Stream Group

  • Stop Stream Group

When you click on Admin, you can see the following options: