

You can use the Map processor function to manage input fields by including or excluding fields forwarded by the function. The input fields can be modified using formulas. New fields are created using formulas, based on input fields, or by adding new information. 

The Map function has two main features:

  • Manage input fields, to keep all input fields in the output, or to exclude all or some input fields from the output.

  • Map fields, to modify fields using formulas. New fields can be created, based on input fields and formulas.


Map function configuration with Field name dropdown expanded


Manage input fields

You have three options for handling how input fields are sent to the output:

  1. Keep all - Sends all fields to the output.

  2. Exclude all - All fields are excluded from the output.

  3. Exclude some - Select the fields to be excluded from the output by selecting them in the Fields to exclude drop-down list, or type the field name into the Add field box and click the + button.


String literals inside formulas should be inside double quotes ("). Single quotes are not supported.

Map fields

To create new fields or modify existing fields:

  1. Enter the name of a new field, or the name of an existing field that you want to modify, in Enter field name. Select the field name from the drop-down list or type the field name into the Add field box and click the + button.

  2. Enter a formula in the Formula input field.
    Once you click into Formula, the Formulas to select and Fields drop-down lists appear.

  3. Add FunctionsOperations, or Fields as needed for your specific field transformation.

  4. Click Preview to view the resulting output.

When you are referencing fields in the payload, you must use interpolation syntax: 'payload.value', which refers to the property of the payload. The Map function also supports calls to meta and state streams. The expected map fields entry syntax is the following: 

  • $(payload.value) – Turns the content into a string. 

  • @(payload.value)  – Keeps the data type of the content. 

Interpolation is handled via specific logic used by Usage Engine. All entered expressions are handled according to the built-in rules of the service. For more information, see Variable insertion


The formulas are divided into two parts: Formulas to select and FieldsFormulas to select contains Functions and Operators.


Functions include:

  • Numeric: floor, ceil, min, max, round, modulo

  • String: length, trim, lowercase, upperCase, slice, split

  • Boolean: not

  • Misc: length, Number, firstDefined, firstNonNull


Operators include:

  • Numeric: +, -, *, /

  • Boolean: and, or, <, <=, =, !=, =>, >

  • Branching: if


Fields include a list of all input fields.


The following constants are available:

  • undefined

  • null

  • true

  • false

Data literals

1.23 numbers (supporting decimal notation)

"Hello world" string literals are quoted in double quotes


if condition then x else y gives x if condition is true, and y otherwise

Numeric functions and operations





min(x, …)

outputs smallest of the given input values

max(x, …)

outputs biggest of the given input values


round to the nearest integer

round (x,y)

round to the nearest decimal place indicated in y


rounds the  input value to the smallest integer


rounds the input value to the biggest integer

modulo(x, y)

outputs x modulo y

x + y

numeric addition

x - y

numeric subtraction

x * y

numeric multiplication

x / y

numeric division

Round function options

The round function uses the following syntax: ROUND(number, num_digits). The following arguments are accepted:

  • number — This is a required parameter. Enter the number to be rounded off. 

  • num_digits — This is an optional parameter. The number of digits to which the number argument is to be processed. 

String functions and operations






Converts the input string(s) to upper case.


Converts the input string(s) to lowercase.


Removes leading and trailing spaces from the input string(s).


Gives the length of the input string(s).

x + y

Concatenates strings x and y.

slice(x, y)

Gets the substring of x, starting at index y (y = 0 is first character).

slice(x, y, z)

Gets a slice of z characters from the string x, starting at index y (iy= 0 is first character).

split(xx, yy) 

Allows for strings to be split by a specific substring into an array.

Example: split(“foo.bar”, “.”) will generate an array containing [“foo”,“bar”]

Array operations






Gives the length of x.

slice(x, y)

Gets the slice of x, starting at index y (y = 0 is first character).

slice(x, y, z)

Gets a slice of z elements from the array x, starting at index y (y = 0 is first character).

Logical (boolean) functions and operations






Negation of x.

x and y true

If both x and y are true.

x = y true

If x equals y.

x != y true

If x is not equal to y.

x < y true

If x is strictly smaller than y.

x <= y true

If x is smaller than or equal to y.

x > y true

If x is strictly bigger than y.

x => y true

If x is bigger than or equal to y.


Only = and != comparisons will work for arrays and objects.

The character pairs !=, <=, and => are automatically converted to the Unicode symbols ≠, ≤, ≥.

General operations





firstDefined(x, …)

Gives the leftmost value that is defined (that is, not equal to undefined).

firstNonNull(x, …)

Gives the leftmost value that is defined and not null.


Lookup the value of input field foo.


Lookup the value of field bar nested inside input foo.

Conversion operations

Number(x) converts x to a number (if x is a string representing a number)

"" + x will convert a number x to a string and add it to the corresponding string