Welcome to Usage Engine Private Edition 4 Documentation

Note that some of the features described in this documentation might not have been purchased by your company and will therefore not be available in your environment.

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Usage Engine is the latest generation of DigitalRoute's usage data processing software. It is an enterprise-grade data processing platform, combining integration capabilities with class-leading data processing functionality to derive useful information and drive real-time decision-making for a large number of applications such as: billing, operations, revenue assurance, service assurance, entitlement enforcement, service control and business intelligence.

Usage Engine has been designed for a modern cloud-native architecture and associated operational model, focusing on the following areas:

  • Cloud-native design, with a clear separation between application and infrastructure, elasticity, and automated Life Cycle Management

  • Operational framework, using best of breed industry standards for non-core functions, using a plug-n-play approach

  • CI/CD support, with package management for solutions and test framework for automated test suite execution

  • Usability, with  clearly defined user interfaces for different user personas

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We’re excited to announce the release and general availability of Usage Engine Private Edition 4.1! 

The key focus areas in this release are optimizing productivity and efficiency, enhancing quality and reliability, and improving security and compliance, including new features and enhancements related to usability, integration, and interoperability.  

Three of the key features are: 

Avro Encode/Decode with Schema Registry 

This is an enhancement to our existing capabilities. Building upon the previous setup, which involved passing schema registries into Ultra, this enhancement introduces a more streamlined approach.

Users now have the flexibility to reference external schema registries within a single workflow, such as distinct ones for the Decoder, Encoder, and APL functions. This enhancement not only facilitates efficient data serialization using the Avro format but also ensures schema consistency across distributed systems, see Avro Support(4.1).

SAP HANA Support for Data Veracity

We now support SAP HANA as a Backend Data Store for the Data Veracity function in Usage Engine, allowing customers to enhance data accuracy and reliability for informed decision-making and compliance. This integration enables efficient management of erroneous data within database tables, facilitating prompt identification and resolution of inconsistencies.  

Mutual TLS support for Kafka Agents

Mutual Transport Level Security( mTLS) is now supported for Kafka agents in Usage Engine. This feature implements robust encryption and authentication mechanisms, ensuring secure communication channels within the Kafka ecosystem. With mTLS, both Kafka agents and the Kafka infrastructure authenticate each other using digital certificates, guaranteeing data integrity and confidentiality.

We encourage you to explore all the detailed features and enhancements below to gain a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities in this release of usage Engine.

New Features

Authentication and Access

New Connectors


MariaDB Support






Extended Functionality

All of these are explained in more detail in Usage Engine 4.1 Release .

The release can be accessed: Release Information .

Overall user documentation is available at: Usage Engine Documentation 4.1.

Enjoy! 🌟