Validate - examples

Validate - examples


Below are three examples of JSON schema validation, demonstrating different use cases: required fields with basic string validation, pattern validation, and nested structures. For more details on using JSON schema, see https://json-schema.org/.

Example 1: Required fields and basic string validation

In this JSON schema, the following fields must be included in each record. A valid example is when the field "value" is of type string and is 2-3 characters long.

  • brand

  • model

  • color

  • date

{ "required": [ "brand", "color", "model", "date" ], "properties": { "value": { "type": "string", "minLength": 2, "maxLength": 3 } } }

This record matches all of the criteria:

{ "brand": "brand1", "model": "modelA", "color": "red", "date": "20 March 2019", "value": "cat" }

This record is discarded because hamster has more than 3 characters:

{ "brand": "brand1", "model": "modelA", "color": "red", "date": "20 March 2019", "value": "hamster" }

Example 2: Pattern validation

Pattern validation is done by specifying expressions that correlate with the desired functionality. In this example, the code checks for the presence of 6 digits and 3 uppercase characters: 

Another pattern validation example checks for the presence of a specific email address format: 

Example 3: Nested structures

You need to use a different JSON schema structure for more complex use cases with nested structures like a nested array or object. To validate the following…

…use a JSON schema like: