Validate - input/output data

Validate - input/output data



This page provides examples of what your input and output data might look like in your stream’s Validate function after your stream has been run at least once. These views can help you troubleshoot and validate that the function works as intended.

Here are some example streams that use the Validate function. These pre-configured streams can be found and executed from the Usage Engine platform for further learning. See https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/x/rMB3 for more details.

Input data

The input data window shows the raw data received by the Validate function from the previous functions in the stream. This view can help you to verify the incoming data to be validated. There are two tab views available; Table and Tree.

Input data in the Validate function from the example stream, Printing As A Service

Output data

The output data shows a subset of the validated data. It will only show the data that has successfully passed the configured validation rules allowing you to verify that the function has correctly applied the rules.

Example - Validate function configuration, input, and output data from the example stream ‘Printing As A Service’.

In the example stream Printing As A Service, Several validation rules have been created on various fields. One of these rules is on the field, printerId. It has a key of type and a value of integer which means the function will check to make sure that the printerId is an integer.

In the function’s input data, we can see that one record that has an invalid printerID, “invalidShouldBeInt”. In the output data the record is missing as it has been removed during the validation process.