Repair Rules
Repair rules is only applicable to UDR Data Veracity records and are utilized in Data Veracity as a way for storing any repair conditions and business logic used in updating erroneous UDR fields with new values. The repair job is executed from the Data Veracity Search UI from a successful Query Result. For information about executing a repair job you may refer to Search & Repair.
Unsupported Data Type for Search
Searching, filtering and repairing of UDRs with list and map data types are currently not supported by Data Veracity.
The Repair Rules where repair rules could be created, viewed or deleted. It is accessed by selecting the Repair Rules option in the Data Veracity Dashboard.
You can also create repair rules in the Data Veracity Search UI, refer to Search & Repair for the steps to create.
Example - Repair Rules table.
Creating a Repair Rule
Repair rules can be created by clicking on the New button.
Example - Creating a new repair rule
To create a new Repair rule, follow the steps below:
Select the Data Veracity profile and the UDR type. This will fix the scope of the repair rule to be used on records identified by the specified Data Veracity profile and UDR type.
- Click on the New Rule button.
- Select the UDR Field in the first combo box.
Select the operation to be conducted in the second combo box.
You can also check the APL check box to allow the include business logic in the form of APL codes into the rule itself.
Restricted fields will not appear for selection in the combo box. For more information on how to set up restricted fields, refer to Restricted Fields.
If an existing repair rule contains one or more restricted fields, those fields will be grayed out and will be not be editable. The repair task will also not repair the field.
Editing a Repair Rule
Repair rules can be edited by clicking on the Edit button.
Example - Editing an existing repair rule
When editing a rule:
- You cannot rename the rule.
- You cannot change the Data Veracity profile or the UDR type.
- You can modify any existing rules that are present in the Repair Rules section.
- You can add new rules to support the existing repair rules or an altogether new repair rule for a new field.
Deleting a Repair Rule
Repair rules can only be deleted from the Repair Rules UI. Deleting a repair rule here will remove it completely from Data Veracity.
To delete a Repair Rule, follow the steps below:
- Select one or multiple rules and click the Delete button.
- Click Delete when prompted to confirm the deletion.
Example - Deleting a repair rule