Prometheus Agent

Prometheus Agent

This section describes the Prometheus forwarding agent. The Prometheus agent is available for both real-time and batch workflow configurations. This agent lets you publish metrics in a format that can be scraped by a Prometheus instance. The metrics can then be visualized using Grafana. Follow the official Grafana documentation here: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/. To configure Prometheus, see https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/.

Use the Prometheus filter to configure the metrics that are going to be exposed for scraping, see The Prometheus Filter.

The Prometheus forwarding agent stores metrics in a cache. The cached metrics are published in an endpoint that is scraped by Prometheus. 

You can configure a maximum number of metrics stored until Prometheus scrapes them. When you scrape a metric it is automatically deleted. You can also set an expiration time for a metric.


Currently, the cache is under development. There is a known issue about dropping metrics even when the cache is not full. See more in the Endpoint section.


Each Execution Context exposes an endpoint that can be scraped by a Prometheus instance at:


It is possible to configure how many metrics to store and for how long a cache can hold. This is configured via Execution Context Properties:



mz.metrics.cache.size.maxMaximum number of records in the metrics cache. The default value is 10000.
mz.metrics.cache.expireMaximum time in seconds before a metric is removed from the cache. The default value is 300.

The cache is shared by all workflows running in the Execution Context so its size has to be set accordingly, that is, to the expected metric flow throughput. Each Prometheus scrape empties the cache so the cache size should be set to minimum 
<number_of_metrics_expected_per_second> * <prometheus_scrape_interval>.


Metrics stored in the cache are read-only-once. Manual querying of the endpoint will result in data missing in Prometheus.

The section contains the following subsections: