LDAP Agent

LDAP Agent

This section describes the LDAP agent. This is a processing agent for realtime workflow configurations. 

The LDAP agent can be used to establish LDAP sessions to servers when a workflow is started. Data can be sent to the LDAP agent in a UDR, which in turn communicates with the LDAP server and sends a request.

The LDAP agent is in compliance with RFC 4511. For further information on the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511.

Example of a workflow with the LDAP agent

There are a number of UDR types specifically for the LDAP agent. For information on the UDRs, see LDAP Agent UDRs.

Operations Supported

The LDAP agent supports the following operations:

  • Abandon
  • Add
  • Compare
  • Delete
  • Extended Operation
  • Modify
  • ModifyDN
  • Search


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