Azure Profile

Azure Profile

The Azure Profile is used for setting up the access credentials and properties to be used to connect to an Azure environment. Currently, the profile can be used with the following agents:

  • ADLS2 File collection agent
  • ADLS2 File forwarding agent
  • Azure Event Hub Consumer agent
  • Azure Event Hub Producer agent

and APL functions:


The contents of the buttons in the button bar may change depending on which configuration type has been opened. The Azure Profile uses the standard menu items and buttons that are visible for all configurations, and these are described in Common Configuration Buttons

The Edit button is specific to the Azure Profile configurations.


External References

Select this menu item to enable the use of External References in the Azure profile configuration. This can be used to configure the following fields:

Shared Key

  • Storage Account Name
  • Key

Connection String

  • Connection String

Secret Key

  • Storage Account Name
  • Namespace
  • Event Hub Name
  • Client ID
  • Tenant ID
  • Client Secret


  • Storage Account Name
  • Namespace
  • Event Hub Name
  • Client ID
  • Tenant ID
  • Certificate Path
  • Certificate Password

For further information, see Using External Reference in Agent Profile Fields and External Reference Profile.

General Tab

Azure Data Lake Storage

Authentication Method - Shared Key

The following settings are available in the Shared Key authentication method for the Azure Data Lake Storage application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Data Lake Storage Shared Key configuration

Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. For ADLS2 file agents, select Azure Data Lake Storage.
Authentication MethodSelect the authentication method for accessing the Azure Data Lake Storage. There are 3 choices with Shared Key, Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method.
Storage Account NameEnter the name of the Azure storage account name that will be used by the Azure Data Lake Storage.
KeyEnter the authorized shared access key used to access the Azure storage account, or use Secret Profile.
Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected azure service using the authentication credentials provided.

Authentication Method - Secret Key

The following settings are available in the Secret Key authentication method for the Azure Data Lake Storage application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Data Lake Storage Secret Key configuration



Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. For ADLS2 file agents, select Azure Data Lake Storage.

Authentication Method

Select the authentication method for accessing the Azure Data Lake Storage. There are 3 choices with Shared Key, Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method.

Storage Account NameEnter the name of the Azure storage account name that will be used by the Azure Data Lake Storage.

Client ID

Enter the client ID (application ID) used to create the application for the Azure Active Directory that will allow the profile to access the Azure Data Lake Storage. The ID entered here should correlate with the client ID that is used when registering the application on the Azure Active Directory.
Tenant ID

Enter the tenant ID (directory ID) linked to the Azure AD application that will be used by the profile to access the Azure Data Lake Storage.

Client SecretEnter the client secret provided when creating the application for the Azure Active Directory with the client ID above, or use Secret Profile. The client secret will only be visible when registering the client ID.
Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected azure service using the authentication credentials provided.

Authentication Method - Certificate

The following settings are available in the Certificate authentication method for the Azure Data Lake Storage application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Data Lake Storage Certificate configuration

Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. For ADLS2 file agents, select Azure Data Lake Storage.
Authentication MethodSelect the authentication method for accessing the Azure Data Lake Storage. There are 3 choices with Shared Key, Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method.
Storage Account NameEnter the name of the Azure storage account name that will be used by the Azure Data Lake Storage.
Client IDEnter the client ID (application ID) used to create the application for the Azure Active Directory that will allow the profile to access the Azure Data Lake Storage. The ID entered here should correlate with the client ID that is used when registering the application on the Azure Active Directory.
Tenant IDEnter the tenant ID (directory ID) linked to the Azure AD application that will be used by the profile to access the Azure Data Lake Storage.
Use Security ProfileSelect this checkbox to use a Keystore from a Security Profile.
Security Profile

Click Browse to select a security profile with certificate and configuration to use, if you prefer to use a secure connection. Refer to Security Profile for more information.

Certificate TypeSet the certificate format that is used by the Azure AD application. You can set it to either a PEM or PFX formatted certificate.
Certificate PathDefine the full local path of the certificate. The certificate must be stored in the same location as the EC that will be running the workflows with the ADLS2 file agents. The certificate must be the same one used by the Azure AD application.
Certificate PasswordEnter the password for the PFX certificate, where the password value can also be an empty string. Password locked PEM certificates are not supported.
Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected azure service using the authentication credentials provided.


For the Test Connection button to work while using certificate authentication, the certificate path must point to a certificate located in the Platform. However, when running workflows, the certificate path must point to a certificate located in the EC.

Azure Event Hub

Authentication Method - Connection String

The following settings are available in the Connection String authentication method for the Azure Event Hub application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Event Hub Connection String configuration

Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. For Azure Event Hub agents, select Azure Event Hub.
Authentication MethodSelect the authentication method for accessing the Azure Event Hub. There are 3 choices with Connection String, Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method.
Connection StringEnter the connection string-primary key of the event hub instance that the profile will be accessing. You can locate the connection string from the shared access policies menu in the target event hub instance.
Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected Azure service using the authentication credentials provided.

Authentication Method - Secret Key

The following settings are available in the Secret Key authentication method for the Azure Event Hub application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Event Hub Secret Key configuration

Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. For Azure Event Hub agents, select Azure Event Hub.
Authentication MethodSelect the authentication method for accessing the Azure Event Hub. There are 3 choices with Connection String, Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method.
NamespaceEnter the namespace of the Event Hub that the profile will be accessing.
Event Hub NameEnter the name of the Event Hub Instance within the Event Hub Namespace above that the profile will be accessing.
Client IDEnter the client ID (application ID) used to create the application for the Azure Active Directory that will allow the profile to access the Azure Event Hub. The ID entered here should correlate with the client ID that is used when registering the application on the Azure Active Directory.
Tenant IDEnter the tenant ID (directory ID) linked to the Azure AD application that will be used by the profile to access the Azure Event Hub.
Client SecretEnter the client secret provided when creating the application for the Azure Active Directory with the client ID above, or use Secret Profile. The client's secret will only be visible when registering the client ID.
Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected Azure service using the authentication credentials provided.

Authentication Method - Certificate

The following settings are available in the Certificate authentication method for the Azure Event Hub application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Event Hub Certificate configuration

Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. For Azure Event Hub agents, select Azure Event Hub.
Authentication MethodSelect the authentication method for accessing the Azure Event Hub. There are 3 choices with Connection String, Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method.
NamespaceEnter the namespace of the Event Hub that the profile will be accessing.
Event Hub NameEnter the name of the Event Hub Instance within the Event Hub Namespace above that the profile will be accessing.
Client IDEnter the client ID (application ID) used to create the application for the Azure Active Directory that will allow the profile to access the Azure Event Hub. The ID entered here should correlate with the client ID that is used when registering the application on the Azure Active Directory.
Tenant IDEnter the tenant ID (directory ID) linked to the Azure AD application that will be used by the profile to access the Azure Event Hub.
Use Security ProfileSelect this checkbox to use a Keystore from a Security Profile.
Security Profile

Click Browse to select a security profile with certificate and configuration to use, if you prefer to use a secure connection. Refer to Security Profile for more information.

Certificate PathDefine the full local path of the certificate. The certificate must be stored in the same location as the EC that will be running the workflows with the Event Hub agents. The certificate must be the same one used by the Azure AD application.
Certificate PasswordEnter the password for the PFX certificate, where the password value can also be an empty string. Password-locked PEM certificates are not supported.
Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected Azure service using the authentication credentials provided.

The following settings are available in the Certificate authentication method for the Azure Event Hub application in the Azure profile.


For the Test Connection button to work while using certificate authentication, the certificate path must point to a certificate located in the Platform. However, when running workflows, the certificate path must point to a certificate located in the EC.

Azure Data Explorer

The following settings are available in the Secret Key authentication method for the Azure Data Explorer application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Data Explorer Secret Key configuration

Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. To select Azure Data Explorer, select it from the dropdown menu list.
Authentication MethodSelect the authentication method for accessing Azure Data Explorer. There are 2 choices –  Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method. Choosing Secret Key enables this method. 
Cluster NameEnter the cluster name.
LocationEnter the associated location. 
Client IDEnter the client ID (application ID) used to create the application for the Azure Active Directory that will allow the profile to access the Azure Data Explorer. The ID entered here should correlate with the client ID that is used when registering the application on the Azure Active Directory.
Tenant IDEnter the tenant ID (directory ID) linked to the Azure AD application that will be used by the profile to access the Azure Data Explorer.
Client SecretEnter the client secret provided when creating the application for the Azure Active Directory with the client ID above, or use Secret Profile. The client's secret will only be visible when registering the client ID.
Use Secrets ProfileClick this to use stored credentials from a Secrets Profile
Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected Azure service using the authentication credentials provided.

The following settings are available in the Certificate authentication method for the Azure Data Explorer application in the Azure profile.

Azure profile - Azure Data Explorer Certificate configuration

Application SelectAllows you to select the Azure resource that the profile will connect to. To select Azure Data Explorer, select it from the dropdown menu list.
Authentication MethodSelect the authentication method for accessing Azure Data Explorer. There are 2 choices –  Secret Key and Certificate. Choosing one of the options will display the appropriate configuration menu for the chosen authentication method. Choosing Certificate enables this method. 
Cluster NameEnter the cluster name.
LocationEnter the associated location. 
Client IDEnter the client ID (application ID) used to create the application for the Azure Active Directory that will allow the profile to access the Azure Data Explorer. The ID entered here should correlate with the client ID that is used when registering the application on the Azure Active Directory.
Tenant IDEnter the tenant ID (directory ID) linked to the Azure AD application that will be used by the profile to access the Azure Data Explorer.
Security Profile

Click Browse to select a security profile with certificate and configuration to use, if you prefer to use a secure connection. Refer to Security Profile for more information.

Test ConnectionTest the connectivity to the selected azure service using the authentication credentials provided.

Advanced Tab

Advanced Tab 

The content of this tab changes depending on the selected method in the General Tab. The following fields are available for each option: 

Authority Host Enter the URL to the directory the Microsoft Authentication Library will request tokens. If left empty, the following default values will be used accordingly:
API Endpoint

Enter the API endpoint in Azure to be used for accessing and managing the services. If left empty is not entered, the following default values will be used accordingly:


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