Websocket Client Agent Configuration

The Websocket Client agent configuration dialog is displayed when right-clicking on the Websocket Client agent and selecting the  Configuration  option, or when double-clicking on the agent in the Workflow Editor.

These configurations only need to be made if you want to use TLS, or change the name of the agent, otherwise the agent will work as it is.

The Websocket Client agent configuration dialog

ServersDefine the WS or WSS server. The agent will automatically connect to these servers and receive data from them.
Connect Timeout (s)The timeout used when opening new connections.
Ping Timeout (s)Timeout for the connections configured in Servers. When no data is received on the websocket, a ping will regularly be sent to detect if connection has been lost.
Enable TLS

Select this check box if you want to use TLS. The field beneath will then be activated.

Click Browse to select a security profile with certificate and configuration to use, if you prefer to use a secure connection. Refer to Security Profile for more information.