Inter Workflow Forwarding Agent in a Real-Time Workflow

Inter Workflow Forwarding Agent in a Real-Time Workflow

To open the Inter Workflow forwarding agent configuration, click Build → New Configuration. Select Workflow from the Configurations dialog. When prompted to Select workflow type, click Realtime. Click Add agentProcessing tab and select Inter Workflow from the Agent Selection dialog. Double-click the agent icon or right-click the icon and select Edit agent, to display the Agent Configuration dialog.

Inter Workflow forwarding agent configuration - real-time workflow



The name and most recent version of the profile as defined in the Inter Workflow profile configuration.

All workflows in the same workflow configuration can use separate Inter Workflow profiles, if that is preferred. In order to do that, the profile must be set to Default in the Workflow Table tab found in the Workflow Properties dialog. After that each workflow in the table can be appointed different profiles.

Named MIM

The user defined MIM names according to the definitions in the selected profile.

MIM Resource

Selected, existing MIM values of the workflow that the Named MIMs are mapped to. This way, MIM values from this workflow are passed on to the collection workflow.

Volume (bytes)

When the file size has reached the number of bytes entered in this field, the file will be closed as soon as the current bytearray has been included, and stored in the storage directory. This means that the file size may actually be larger than the set value since the system will not cut off any bytearrays. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used.

Volume (UDRs)

When the file contains the number of UDRs entered in this field, the file will be closed and stored in the storage directory. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used.

Timer (sec)

When the file has been open for the number of seconds entered in this field, the file will be closed and stored in the storage directory. If nothing is entered, this file closing criteria will not be used.

Enable Worker Thread

Select this check box to enable worker thread functionality, allowing you to configure a queue size in order to improve performance and reduce the risk for blocking during heavy I/O.

If Enable Worker Thread is deselected and the agent cannot access the storage, the workflow will not abort. This may cause loss of the incoming data.

Queue Size

Enter the queue size you wish to have for the Worker Thread in this field.

Include outstandingSelect this checkbox to include outstanding requests in the Queue Size.
Use Custom Stream

Select this checkbox to be able to use the same profile in many workflows. The collector and forwarding agents will then find what to connect to by using a profile and Stream ID, rather than only a profile. When a realtime workflow is connected to a batch workflow, they scale as a unit, allowing for backend/frontend pairs to be held together using a Stream ID.

If this checkbox is cleared, the Inter Workflow profile is defined in design time, and not configurable per dynamic workflow, making it impossible to scale chained workflows.

Stream IDEnter desired Stream ID.
Send response UDRSelect to send a UDR with the data and context information as an InterWorkflow.RequestCycleUDR, instead of a bytearray, to the agent. After forwarding, the agent writes the data (or fails to write), and the Inter Workflow forwarding agent responds with confirmation (true or false) of depending on if the write was successful or not.


Since there are no natural batch boundaries within a real-time workflow, volume and/or timer criteria must be set to close the file and open a new one. If several criteria for closing the file have been selected, all will apply, using a logical OR.

If the workflow is deactivated before any of the file closing criteria has been fulfilled, the UDRs currently stored in memory will be flushed, that is flushed to the current batch without being processed. Hence, the size of the last file cannot be predicted. In case of a crash, the content of the last batch cannot be predicted. The error handling is taken care of by the Inter Workflow collection agent. If the file is corrupt, it will be thrown away and a message is logged in the System Log. The collector will automatically continue with the batch next in order.