8.3 Audit Profile

offers the possibility to output information to user defined database tables. This means that several workflows may output information about the same batch to the same table, which makes it possible to trace batches/UDRs between workflows. To increase this traceability, it is highly recommended to add fields to the UDRs, to make it possible to identify their origin. Useful values may be:

  • Name of the switch

  • Name of the original file name

  • Time stamp of the original file

The audit table column types are defined in an Audit profile configuration.

The Audit profile is loaded when you start a workflow that depends on it. Changes to the profile become effective when you restart the workflow.


To create a new Audit profile configuration, click the New Configuration button in the upper left part in Desktop, and then select Audit Profile from the menu.

The Audit profile configuration

The contents of the menus in the menu bar may change depending on which configuration type that has been opened. The Audit profile uses the standard menu items and buttons that are visible for all configurations, and these are described in 2.1 Menus and Buttons.

The Audit profile configuration contains the following settings:



This is the database that the agent will connect and send data to.

Click the Browse... button to get a list of all the database profiles that are available. For further information see 8.6 Database Profile.


For performance reasons, Audit information is logged directly from an EC to the database. If an external EC is unable to connect to the database, a "Workflow performance warning" is logged in System Log. If this warning appears, the firewall might need to be reconfigured to allow the EC to communicate directly with the database.

The Audit functionality is supported for use with the following databases:

  • Oracle

  • TimesTen

  • Derby

  • SQL Server

  • PostgreSQL


Select Refresh to reload the meta data for the tables residing in the selected database.

Use Default Database Schema

Check this to use the default database schema that was added in the Usernamefield of the Default Connection Setup in the Database profile configuration. When using the default database schema the names of the audit tables listed in Table will appear without schema prefix. For more details on how to add a default database schema, see 8.6 Database Profile.


This is not applicable for all database types. Use Default Database Schema is only available for selection when accessing Oracle or TimesTen databases.


A list of selected audit tables. For further information about adding and editing tables, see the section below, Adding and Editing a Table Mapping.

Adding and Editing a Table Mapping

From the Add and Edit Audit Table Attributes dialogs, the existing table columns are mapped to the valid types.

Add Audit Table Attributes



A list from which the audit table is selected.


Tables in System schema will not be available for selection when accessing Oracle database

Column Name

The name of the columns in the selected table.


Clicking the cell, displays a list of valid types. Each column must be mapped against a type. Valid types are:

  • Counter - A built-in sequence which is incremented with the value passed on with the auditAdd APL function.

  • Key - Used to differ between several audit inserts. It is possible to use several keys, where a unique combination of keys will result in one new row in the database.

    If the same key combination is used several times within a batch, the existing row will be overwritten with new audit data. However, if a later batch uses the same key combination, a new row will be created.

    If using more than one key, the Key Sequence must be entered in the same order when calling the auditAdd or auditSet APL functions. The Audit functions are further described in the APL Reference Guide.

    Note that this is not a database key and it must be kept as small as possible. A value that is static during the whole batch must never be used as a key value.

  • Value - A column holding any type of value to be set, except for Counter values. This is used in combination with the auditSet APL function. Another use is mapping against existing MIM values in the Workflow Propertiesdialog.

  • Transaction Id - To make sure entries are transaction safe, each table must contain a column of type NUMBER and at least have the length twelve (or have no size declared at all). Do not enter or alter any values in this column, it is handled automatically by the system. The value -1 indicates that the entry is committed and safe.


    The Transaction Id column should be indexed for best performance. The contents will be of low cardinality and could therefore be compressed if supported.

    Unused - Used in case a column must not be populated, that is, set to null.

Key Sequence

A key sequence is a defined way to assign a Key value, to identify in which order you need to send along key values when you use the auditAdd or auditSet APL functions.

Each key in a table must have a sequence number in order to be identified when passed on as parameters to the APL audit functions. The first key is identified as 1, the second as 2, and so on.

The key sequence will uniquely identify all audit log entries to be inserted per batch.

Audit Profile Example

To illustrate how Audit may be used, consider a workflow with an Analysis agent, validating and routing UDRs. Most of the UDRs will be sent on the "COMPLETE" route. The rest of the incomplete UDRs will be sent on the "PARTIALS" route. If there is a considerable amount UDRs that are routed to the latter, the batch is canceled.

A workflow example

The output on each route is to be logged in an audit table, including information on canceled batches. An entry in the table is made for each batch, and for each route. Hence two entries per batch.

Example audit information

In this example only the destination key is needed, which uniquely identifies all the rows to be inserted per batch. The name of the destination agent is therefore selected. Note that it is not possible to update an existing row in the table, only to add new rows. This is to ensure the traceability of data. To output information other than MIM values (which may be mapped in the  Workflow Properties dialog), the workflow must contain an Analysis or Aggregation agent.

Setting up an Audit profile involves the following steps:

  1. Design the tables:

    • One column (of type NUMBER) must be reserved for the transaction handling. This column should be indexed in order to achieve best performance. The contents will be of low cardinality and could therefore be compressed if supported.

    • Consider which column/columns contain tag information, that is, the key. A key may consist of one or several columns.

  2. Create an Audit profile. For further information, see the section below, Adding the Table Mapping.

  3. Map parameters in the Workflow Preferences Audit tab to the Audit profile. For further information, see the section below, Workflow Properties - Audit Tab.

  4. Design APL code to populate the tables. For further information, see the section below, Populating Audit Tables.

Audit Profile

In the Audit profile configuration, the column types are configured. To create a new Audit profile configuration, click the New Configuration button in the upper left part of the Desktop window, and then select Audit Profile from the menu. Select the database in which the table(s) reside, then select Add.

Adding the Table Mapping

From the Add and Edit Audit Table Attributes dialogs, the existing table columns are mapped to valid types.

The Audit profile

The data to insert, will be put in the UDRs column. Setting it to type Counter, makes it possible to use the auditAdd function to increment the corresponding column value. If Value is used, the auditSet function can be used to assign a value.

Workflow Properties - Audit Tab

The Audit tab in the Workflow Properties dialog defines the type of data entered in the table by the workflow. This is either MIM types or anything sent on with the APL audit functions.

Workflow Properties - The Audit tab

The COMPLETE, INVALID and PARTIALS columns in the the Audit table are populated by using the APL audit functions. COLLECTION_DATE and FILENAME are populated by the workflow MIM values.  The CANCELED column name might be mapped directly to an existing MIM value or populated by the APL audit functions using the Analysis Agent.

Populating Audit Tables

There are two ways of populating audit tables; either by using the auditAdd function, which automatically increments the value of Counter columns, or by setting fixed values to columns of type Valuewith the auditSet function. Note that Counter columns are automatically set to 0 (zero) when a batch is canceled. This is not the case for Value columns.


In terms of performance, it does not matter how many times an audit function is called. Each call is saved in memory and a summary for each key is committed at End Batch.

Counter Increment

By using the auditAdd function, the user does not have to keep track of the number to increment a counter column with. At Cancel Batch, the value is set to 0 (zero).

Fixed Values

Using the auditSet function for the same example as discussed in the previous section, means the user has to keep track of the number of records in the APL code. Note that the profile must be updated; the Counter column must be redefined to Value.

Value columns are not reset when a batch is canceled. Hence there will be entries made in the table for the UDRs column for all batches.

Example - Use of auditAdd and auditSet

In this example code, each UDR is validated with respect to the contents of the causeForOutput field. The audit table is updated to hold information on the numbers of Complete, Partial and Invalid UDRs sent on the routes.

// Define counters
int complete = 0;
int partials = 0;
int invalid = 0;

//Publish a new MIM
mimPublish(trailer, "My Trailer",string);

consume {
    // Check if the UDR is of type complete
    if(input.causeForOutput == 0){
        // Increment complete counter
        complete = complete + 1;
        // Increment value of column COMPLETE
        auditAdd( "Default.PRF_AUDIT","MZADMIN.MZ_AUDIT","COMPLETE",1 ); 
        // Route UDR on outgoing route "COMPLETE"
        udrRoute(input, "COMPLETE");
    // Check if the UDR is of type partial
    else if(input.causeForOutput == 1 ||input.causeForOutput == 2){
        // Increment partial counter
        partials = partials + 1;  
        // Increment value of column PARTIAL
        auditAdd( "Default.PRF_AUDIT","MZADMIN.MZ_AUDIT","PARTIAL",1 ); 
        // Route UDR on outgoing route "PARTIALS"
        udrRoute(input, "PARTIALS");
        // Increment invalid counter
        invalid = invalid + 1;
        // Set the value of column INVALID
        auditSet( "Default.PRF_AUDIT","MZADMIN.MZ_AUDIT","INVALID",invalid );