4. Event Notifications

An Event Notification configuration offers the possibility to route information from events generated in the system, to various targets. These targets include:

  • Azure Application Insight
  • Database

  • Log file

  • e-Mail

  • SNMP trap receivers

  • SNS Topic
  • System Log

There are several different event types that all contain specific data about the particular event. Besides being logged, events may be split up and selected parts may be embedded in user defined strings. For instance, consider an event originating from a user, updating an existing Notifier:

userName: mzadmin3, userAction: Notifier AnumberEvents updated.

This is the default event message string for User Events. However, it is also possible to select parts of the information, or other information residing inside the event. Each type of event contains a predefined set of fields. For instance, the event message previously exemplified, contains the userName and userAction fields which may be used to customize event messages to suit the target to which they will be logged:

Events can be customized to suit any target


The Category field in the above picture is left empty intentionally, since it does not have a value for this specific event. A category is user defined and is entered in the Event Categories dialog. It is a string which will route messages sent with the dispatchMessage APL function.

The event types form a hierarchy, where each event type adds its own fields and inherits all fields from its ancestors.

The event hierarchy is structured as follows:

  • Base

    • Alarm

    • Code Manager

    • Group

    • System

      • Security

    • User

    • Workflow

      • Agent

        • Agent Failure

        • Agent Message

          • User Agent Message

        • Agent State

        • ECS Insert

      • Debug

      • Dynamic Update

      • Workflow State

      • External Reference

    • <User Defined>

Each event type and its fields are described in Event Fields in 4.2 Event Notifications Configuration.