5. Inspection

When workflows are executed, the agents may generate various kinds of data, such as logging errors into the System Log, or sending erroneous data to the Error Correction System (ECS). The Inspectors allow the user to view such information.

This chapter includes an overview of the Inspectors.

To open an Inspector, click on the Inspection button .

Menus and Buttons

The contents of the Desktop menus and button panel may change depending on which Inspector that has been opened in the currently displayed tab. The buttons and menus will be described in the next coming sections or in the respective user's guide.The Desktop standard menus and buttons are described in the section Menus ans Buttons in 1.3 Desktop User Interface. When workflows are executed, the agents may generate various kinds of data. The following Inspectors are available to analyze the data:

Aggregation Session Inspector

See 9.2.8 Aggregation Session Inspector.

Alarm Inspector

See the  Web Interface User's Guide.

Archive Inspector

See 9.8.6 Archive Inspector.

Duplicate Batch Inspector

See  9.19.6 Duplicate Batch Inspector.

Duplicate UDR Inspector

See  9.20.6 Duplicate UDR Inspector.

ECS Inspector

See ECS Inspector.

ECS Statistics

See 9.24.5 ECS Statistics.
