8.19 TLS Profile

8.19 TLS Profile

The TLS profile enables you to make more detailed configurations for which cipher suites to accept. The TLS profile is loaded when you start a workflow that depends on it. Changes to the profile become effective when you restart the workflow.


To create a new TLS profile, click on the New Configuration button in Desktop and select the TLS Profile option.

The TLS profile configuration

The contents of the menus in the menu bar may change depending on which configuration type that has been opened. The TLS profile uses the standard menu items and buttons that are visible for all configurations, and these are described in 2.1 Menus and Buttons.

The TLS profile configuration contains the following settings:


Accepted Protocols

Here you can select if you want agents using this profile to accept only TLS version 1.2 or a later version. The default setting is to only accept version 1.2.

Used Cipher Suites

Here you can select if you want agents using this profile to use only suites that are enabled by default, or any suites. The default setting is to only use suites that are enabled by default.

Cipher Suite Must MatchIn this field you can enter any characters that you want the cipher suites to match. You can also enter lists of regular expression, one per row, that you want the cipher suites to match. Suites not matching your entry will be greyed out in the Result on this JVM field.
Cipher Suite Must Not MatchIf you want to exclude cipher suites, you can enter any characters in this field which will exclude suites matching the characters. You can also enter lists of regular expression, one per row, for cipher suites to exclude.
Result on this JVMThis field displays the cipher suites available on the current JVM

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