Usage metering page

Usage metering page


Click on the the Usage metering option in the left navigation panel to open the Usage metering overview. This overview provides a summary of all meter types, categories, meters, and the streams and solutions that they are associated with. see Usage metering concepts and relations for definitions of meter types, categories, and meters.

Usage metering overview 

By default, the Usage metering overview contains three widgets at the top, displaying:

  • All meter types - The total number of meter types configured.

  • All categories - The total number of categories used in the meter types.

  • All meters - The total number of meters configured for all meter types.

Beneath the widgets is a table showing all created meter types with the default columns, Meter type name, Category, Aggregation, Unit, Interval, Meters, and Actions. There is also a column available for External Reference, which you can select to view by Updating display options. See Creating meter types for more information about these parameters. To the right of each meter type, you have two buttons; Edit and Delete which you can use for Updating meter types and Deleting meter types.

If you click on the arrow in front of a meter type name, it will expand and display further details.

The details section is divided into two parts.

In the top part, you can see Meter type ID, which is a unique identifier for the meter type that is used when creating meters or referencing meter types using the APIs Description, Reset schedule, Active period, and Timezone. See Creating meter types for more information about these settings.

In the bottom part you can see:

  • Solution name - Displays the name(s) of any solution(s) that contain(s) a stream with a meter processor function for which the meter key has been referenced by a meter associated with the meter type.

  • Stream name - Displays the name(s) of any stream(s) with a meter processor function for which the meter key has been referenced by a meter associated with the meter type.

  • Meter key - Displays the meter key(s) in the meter processor function(s) referencing the meter type.

  • Meters - Displays the number of meters associated with the meter type for each solution, stream and meter processor.

  • Last created - Displays the time since the last meter was created.

  • Actions - In this column, you have a View button that you can use to open the Meter inspector for the selected meter type.


The Meter type ID can be easily copied by clicking on the Copy to clipboard button to the right of the ID.


In the top right of the Usage metering view, you also have the following four buttons:


  • Filter - Click on this button to apply a filter to the Meter types that are displayed in the Usage metering view, see Filtering meter types.

  • Display Options - Click on this button to change what is displayed in the Usage metering view, see Updating display options.

  • Refresh data - Click on this button to refresh the data in the Usage metering view.

  • Create meter type - Click on this button to create a new meter type, see Creating meter types.