Filtering meter types
Licensing Information
The feature described in this documentation is optional and might not be part of the edition covered by your company's license.
If you have a large number of meter types, you can use the filter functionality to only display meter types with names matching your filter.
To filter meter types in the Usage metering page:
Click on the Filter button located at the top right in the Usage metering view.
The Filter panel is displayed:
Filter panelEnter the text you want the meter type name(s) to match in the Meter type name type field. You may use partial or full name.
Click on the Filter button to update the table to only display the meter types matching the text.
Click on the X at the top right in the Filter panel or on the Hide filter button to close the panel when you are finished.
Click on the Clear filter button if you wish to clear filtering and display all the meter types again.