Editing a Bulk of UDRs

Other than editing UDRs one at a time, it is also possible to edit a group of UDRs at once. Select the UDRs of interest, or none (this way all UDRs within the file are considered) and click Bulk Edit...

The Bulk Edit file - data dialog


UDR Type

If you have selected UDRs in the UDR File Editor and opened Bulk Edit, the UDR type of the selected UDRs is displayed in this field. If you want to change to another UDR type, click the Browse... button to open the UDR Internal Format Browser where you can select a different UDR type.

Filter UDRs and assign UDR fields

In this field you can write custom APL code to edit all selected UDRs.


Click this button to close the Bulk Edit file - data dialog.

Apply ChangesClick to apply the changes defined in the APL code.


When bulk editing UDRs, the changes of the UDRs are not traceable. All selected UDRs are updated, although their values may not change.