9.24.3 ECS_Maintenance System Task

The ECS_Maintenance system task removes outdated ECS data, provided that the state is Reprocessed.

The number of days to keep data is set in the ECS_Maintenance configuration dialog. It is also possible to fully turn off the cleanup of UDRs, Batches, Statistics or all of them. The Statistics can be reported by email, if so configured in the Report tab of the task.

When the ECS_Maintenance System Task is executed, a number of things will happen:

  • UDRs, batches and ECS statistics will be removed from the ECS according to the configurations in the Cleanup tab. See Cleanup Tab in ECS_Maintenance System Task Configuration for further information.


    This information is only for customers using versions of that are older than!

    When using PostgreSQL as your Platform database, if you have a large number of UDRs or batches in ECS, the removal of the UDRs and batches will be slow and can sometimes be frozen. To speed up the process, you can remove the foreign key reference from the following tables:

    UDR or BatchTablesForeign Key Reference














    You can use the alter SQL command to drop the foreign key reference:

    alter table mzowner.ecs_mim drop constraint ecs_mim_txn_id_fkey;
    alter table mzowner.ecs_udr drop constraint ecs_udr_txn_id_fkey;
    alter table mzowner.ecs_batch drop constraint ecs_batch_txn_id_fkey;
    alter table mzowner.ecs_batch_error drop constraint ecs_batch_error_txn_id_fkey;
    alter table mzowner.ecs_udr_error drop constraint ecs_udr_error_ecs_udr_id_fkey;

    If the number of days after which data should be removed has been configured to 0 (zero) days, data will be removed every time the ECS_Maintenance System Task is executed, with a minimum time interval of one hour.

  • An ECS Statistics Event will be generated containing information about the number of UDRs associated with every error code.

    This will happen every time the ECS_Maintenance System Task is executed according to the exact time interval with which the ECS_Maintenance task is configured.

    See 4.3.22 ECS Statistics Event for further information about how to configure notifications for the ECS Statistics Event.

  • Statistical information will be sent to the ECS Statistics, according to your configurations in the Report tab in the configuration dialog for the ECS_Maintenance system task. See Report Tab in ECS_Maintenance System Task Configuration for further information.

    The statistical information will be sent every time the ECS_Maintenance system task is executed, with a minimum time interval of one hour.

  • An email containing statistical information will be sent to the mail recipient stated in the Report tab in the configuration dialog for the ECS_Maintenance system task. See Report Tab in ECS_Maintenance System Task Configuration for further information.

    The email will be sent every time the ECS_Maintenance system task is executed, with a minimum time interval of one hour.

    For further information on how to configure mail server and port, see 2.6.4 Platform Properties in System Adminstrator's Guide.


The ECS is designed to store a fairly limited amount of erroneous UDRs and batches. It is therefore important that the data is extracted, reprocessed or deleted from ECS on a regular basis.

The section contains the following subsections: