Table-driven Workflow Instancing
Table-driven Workflow Instancing
The Workflow Table can be used to instantiate multiple workflows interfacing similar sources and targets. Although almost every configuration aspect can be parameterized, the start/end-point identifiers (e.g. IP addresses, directories, login, passwords, etc.) are normally the most important.
The example in the figure shows the Workflow Table tab in the Workflow Properties, where additional instances of the template workflow can be added. The parameters that are going to be available in the Workflow Table are configured in this tab as follows:
- Configuration parameters denoted as final are not shown in the Workflow Table and the final values from the template workflow are used in all workflow instances.
- Configuration parameters denoted as default are shown in the Workflow Table and have the value from the template workflow set as default.
- Configuration parameters denoted as per workflow are shown in the Workflow Table and are not set and should be set manually for each workflow.
Workflow Table tab