Web Service Example - Running the Workflows(3.0)

To run the workflows and watch their operation, open Workflow Monitor and follow the instructions below:

  1. In the Workflow Monitor view, select the Debug option.

    The text "Debug Active (Event)" appears in the bottom left corner of the Workflow Monitor.

  2. Click the Start button.

  3. Once both workflows are running, run the following command from a command line view to establish a connection port:

    telnet localhost 3210
  4. From the telnet view enter data to the Provider workflow. To trigger the Analysis agent and have it route WSCycle_charge UDRs to the Web Service Requester agent, press ENTER repeatedly and expect the following:

    • Prior to every request, the debug event message "About to send" appears at the bottom of the Workflow Monitor view, and the Requester then sends the request to the Web Service Provider.

    • In the Web Service Provider workflow, the Analysis agent first generates a debug message with the content of the param field, and then creates a response.

    • Analysis_1 sends the response to the Web Service Requester agent.

    • The Web Service Requester generates the debug event "Done" and routes the WSCycle_charge UDR to Analysis_2.

    • In the debug event pane, Analysis_2 announces the contents of the WSCycle_charge UDR.