Configuring a Workflow Group (3.0)

Configuring a workflow group includes:

  • Planning members' execution order

  • Setting the workflow group execution parameters

  • Setting the workflow group scheduling parameters 

Members Execution Order

When planning the execution order of the members in your workflow group, use the Prerequisites column in the Group Members table. By doing so you ensure:

  • A linear execution

  • A certain execution order

  • That every member is fully executed before the next member starts running


If you use the Continuous Workflow Execution setting, you can override this behavior by allowing scheduled workflows to execute even though all workflow members are not finished, see the section below, Execution, for further information. 

To configure members execution order:

  1. Right-click on a member in the Group Members pane in the Members tab.

    A drop-down menu opens.
  2. Select the option Prerequisites.

    The Prerequisites dialog box opens.

    The Prerequisites dialog box

  3. Select the check boxes for the members that the current member should follow.


    You will not be able to add members above your selected member as prerequisites. You will have to order members that you want to add as a prerequisite to be below the member you are adding the prerequisite for.

    Workflow template and workflows from the same workflow template can be added into same workflow group, provided prerequisite is set in either workflow template or workflow or both.


    Dynamic workflow templates cannot be added as a prerequisite.

  4. Click OK .

See the image below for an example of how it may look.

Workflow Group members execution prerequisites

You can rearrange the members' order of appearance in the Group Members list, by using the Up and Down buttons. When rearranging a list, that is already configured with Prerequisites you will notice that the Prerequisites parameter is removed and a yellow warning icon appears instead. Note that this will not affect the workflow group validity. To remove the notification sign, either open the Prerequisites dialog box and click OK , or - to remove all the notification signs - save the workflow group configuration, and reopen it.

Configuring a Day Plan Schedule

The following steps detail the adding of a day plan schedule for your workflow group. For more information about the fields present in the Add Day Plan dialog box, refer to the Day Plans Configuration in Workflow Group Configuration (3.0).

  1. Click on the Add button in the Day Plan table in the Scheduling tab.
    The Add Day Plan dialog box opens.
  2. Choose an option for Day. This can be Every Day, Any specific weekday, A specific date in a month or the Last Day of the Month.
  3. Set the start time and the stop time when you want the scheduler to execute the members in the workflow group.
  4. Set the duration of how often the members in the workflow group are triggered. You can set them to execute by the Second, Minute or Hour.
  5. Click on Add to confirm the day plan schedule to your workflow group.


A single workflow group can have multiple day plan schedules, but the time in these schedules cannot overlap with one another.

Configuring an Event Trigger

  1. Click on the Add button beneath the Event Triggers table.
    The Add Event Chain Trigger dialog box opens.

    The Add Event Chain Trigger Dialog Box 
  2. Click on the Add button.
    The Add Event Selection dialog box opens.

    The Add Event Selection dialog box

  3. Select an Event Type from the drop-down list, see Event Fields in Event Notifications Configuration(3.0).

  4. Double-click on an entry in the Event Filter table.
    The Edit Match Value dialog box opens.

  5. Click on the Add button.
    The Add Match Value dialog box opens.

  6. If you want to filter all the events based on specific values of the selected type, enter the values in the Match Value(s) column. Otherwise, if you leave the default value , all the events of the selected event type will trigger the execution of the Workflow group.

  7. Close all four dialog boxes.


There are no referential constraints for Event Triggers nor any way to track relations between workflows that are triggered by one another. For example: Workflow A is defined to be activated when Workflow B is activated. Workflow B might be deleted without any warnings, leaving Workflow A, still a valid workflow, without a trigger. This might happen since value matching is based on a regular expression of the workflow name, and not on a precise link match.Â