System Exporter

With the System Exporter you can export data from your system into a ZIP file, a specific directory, or an MZ Package (MZP) file. The export contains data about your system, its configurations, and run-time information. You can send this export data to another system, where you can use the System Importer to import it and embed its contents locally.

Example - How System Exporter can be used

A system can import a tested and exported ZIP or MZP file of configurations from a test system and use it safely in production.

In System Exporter you can select data from the following folder types:

  • Configuration: Workflow configurations, agent profiles, workflow groups, Ultra formats, or alarm detectors.

  • Workflow packages: Workflow Packages are compiled versions of configuration, and are created in the Workflow Package mode in the System Exporter.

Export formats

There are two export formats. They result in different behaviors when imported later. Select the one that suits your requirements:

  1. ZIP file: Export to a ZIP file or, if chosen, in formats such as Directory output or XML format. The configurations must be compatible with the software packages of the system to which you import the configurations This is normally not a problem as long as you are using the same release.

  2. MZP file: Export in Workflow Packages format. A Workflow Package is read-only and self-contained, with the same binaries as in the exporting system. A Workflow Package is not affected by, nor will it affect, any existing configurations when imported, since the used binaries are not replaced. When selecting the MZP format, you compile a Workflow Package by selecting workflows in the Workflow Packagexport tab in the System Exporter.

  3. Using Configuration Exporter: You can view all workflow packages in the Configuration Export tab and choose the workflow packages that you want to export while exporting an ECD. (If Include dependencies are selected, any packages used by the ECDselected automatically when selecting an ECD).


See File System Profile to learn how to configure a File System Profile. Currently, the File System Profile option is only available in the Legacy Desktop.

Configuration Export Mode

The System Export Configuration Export View

Configuration Export Options

With the System Exporter you can export data from your system into a ZIP file. The export contains data about your system, its configurations, and run-time information. You can send this export data to another system, where you can use the System Importer to import it and embed its contents locally.

Example - How System Exporter can be used

A system can import a tested and exported ZIP file of configurations from a test system and use it safely in production.

In System Exporter you can select data from the following folder types:

  • Configuration: Workflow configurations, agent profiles, workflow groups, Ultra formats, or alarm detectors.

  • Run-time: Data that is generated by the system during workflow run-time.

  • System: Other customized parts such as: Data Veracity, Event Category, Folder (structure), Pico Host, Ultra, User, or Workflow Alarm Value.

The following options can be found on the toolbar: 


This will export the selected configuration(s). A dialog box opens and displays information on the exact time of the export. In addition to that, you have a link to download the exported file. 

RefreshRefreshes the list of shown configurations. 

This will open the Options menu. Each available option can be toggled by the user.

Configurations export type options

Expand allExpands all folders in the Available entries section. 
Collapse allMinimizes all folders Available entries section.

Based on the chosen options in the export window, the running will execute the export operations in a different way. The following options can be toggled by the users using the Options menu. 

Export OptionDescription
Abort on error

Select this option to abort the import process if an error occurs. If an error occurs and you do not select this option, the import will be completed, but the imported data might contain erroneous components.

Invalid Ultra and APL definitions are considered erroneous and result in aborting the export/import. 

Select Dependencies

Select this option to have dependencies follow along with the entries that you actively select.

EncryptionFacilitates encryption on the chosen export.
Exclude Runtime DataExcludes locally stored runtime data from the export. 
Export as XMLExporting configuration objects with this option enabled will create a compressed XML file that contains selected configuration(s).

Workflow Package Export Mode

The System Exporter Workflow Package Export view

When this mode is selected, workflow packages can be created and exported to a MZP file that follows the Workflow Packages format. A Workflow Package is read-only and self-contained, with the same binaries as in the exporting system. A Workflow Package is not affected by, nor will it affect, any existing configurations when imported, since the used binaries are not replaced. When selecting the MZP format, you compile a Workflow Package by selecting workflows in the Workflow Packagexport tab in the System Exporter.

Export OptionDescription

When the selected workflow packages are selected clicking on the Export button will call the relevant dialog box. In it, the package name and version can be specified. The commit type can also be chosen – the file can either be download to a MZP file or committed to the system.

Workflow package export options

Specify the following information in the Workflow package export options:

  • Package name: The name of the workflow package.
  • Package version: The version of the workflow package.
  • Output option: Specify if you want to Download or Commit the workflow package. When you select the Commit option for output, the export is committed to your $MZ_HOME directory at /mzhomes/<mz_home_name>/tmp/<exported workflow package>
RefreshRefreshes the list of shown configurations. 
OptionsThis option is not available in workflow package selection mode. 
Expand allExpands all folders. 
Collapse allCollapses all folders.

How To Export Data


Since no runtime configuration change is included in the exported data and only the initial value is exported, you need to take a note of information such as file sequence numbers in Collector agents.

  1. In the System Exporter, select options according to your preferences in the Properties dialog.
  2. Select the desired tab, Configuration Export (for a ZIP file or a directory) or Workflow Package Export (for MZP format).

  3. Expand the folders in Available Entries and select the check boxes in the Include column for the entries you want to export.
  4. Click on the Export button to start the export process.

Export File Structure

When you save a profile or a workflow configuration, you create a database entry. When you export tree-structured profiles and workflows, this database entry is included in the exported material as a file.

If the profile or workflow data is password encrypted, they are exported as is. Otherwise, a directory named after the exported data file, is created. In this directory, the contents of the exported data file are divided into files, as follows:

  • The Ultra directory contains the files:

    • Internal: Ultra profile related meta information.

    • Ultra_Format: Your Ultra code embedded in XML code.

  • The APL directory contains the files:

    • Internal: APL profile related meta information.

    • APL_Source_Code: Your APL code embedded in XML code.

  • The Workflow directory contains the files:

    • Internal: Workflow related meta information.

    • Template: Workflow data, such as Agent configurations.

    • Workflow_Table: Workflow-table workflows related data.

The tree structure of the exported material is identical to the structure that is displayed in the System Exporter view.