EC Groups
The EC Groups tool allows you to view/add EC Groups. The EC groups can be added here or by using the mzsh command pico for example. See the Execution Tab for more information on how to add ECs to an EC Group.
In the following sections, we will explain the EC Groups tool and the configuration files.
EC Groups Tool
The EC Groups tool shows the list of EC groups. From the list, you are able to add, delete or edit groups. You can sort the group names alphabetically. To refresh the list, click the Refresh button at the top of the list.
EC Groups
Add a New Group
Click the Add button to add a new EC Group. A window pops up where you can fill in the name of the EC Group. Click OK and the group becomes visible in the list. See the mzsh command pico for an example on how to add an EC group.
Editing an Existing Group
To edit an existing EC group, select the checkbox of the EC Group and click the Edit button. A new window is displayed using which you can edit the group name. Click OK to close the window and submit the changes. The list is updated with your changes.
EC Groups - Edit
Removing a Group
To delete one or many groups, select the group to remove and click the Delete button.
EC groups from Configuration files
In case you have defined EC Groups in the values.yaml
files, the list will automatically display these EC groups, when they are started.