Installer Properties for Platform

Set the installer properties described below in the install.xml file. The properties are described in the order they appear in the install.xml file.


Default value: " "

Example value: platform1

This property specifies an identifier for the installed container. Each container in the system must have a unique identifier.

Typical values for mz.container is the hostname, or a descriptive value for the purpose of the container.

The permitted characters for the container identifier are 'a-z','0-9' and '-'.


Default value: /opt/mz

This property specifies the target directory for the installed container and is automatically set to the environment variable you specified for MZ_HOME when Setting Environment Variables for Platform.


Default value: platform,ui,ec,wd

This property specifies which parts of Core you want to install. If you keep the default value you install the platform, ui, ec, and wd. If you only need to install the Platform container, select only the platform.


If you wish to install ECs separately in an Execution Context Only Installation, you can remove ec from the value of the property. Or, if you wish to install ui or wd separately then you can remove those from the default value.


Default value: dr

This property specifies the password for the administrative user mzadmin. The value must be dr.

Default value: true

This property specifies if the password of the mzadmin user must be changed during the installation and if enhanced security user control will be used. A valid certificate in a keystore is required for the installation. If it is not already prepared, the installation process will create a new one when prompted. More information on network security can be found in Network Security.