9.61.6 PSI Agent Example

9.61.6 PSI Agent Example

This example shows a workflow configured to, via Diameter Stack, receive requests and, through the Analysis agent, sends messages to and receives messages from the PSI agent.

Example workflow with the PSI agent

An example for the Analysis agent can be as follows:

consume {            
    if (instanceOf(input, Diameter.RequestCycleUDR)) {
        Diameter.RequestCycleUDR diameterUDR = (Diameter.RequestCycleUDR )input;
        Credit_Control_Request ccr = (Credit_Control_Request)diameterUDR.Request;
        // Create and populate PSI.ApplyTariffRequest
        PSI.ApplyTariffRequest applyTariffReq = udrCreate(PSI.ApplyTariffRequest);
        applyTariffReq.originatingCallerId =  ccr.Subscription_Id.Subscription_Id_Data;
        applyTariffReq.terminatingSubscriberMSCAddress = "";
        applyTariffReq.subscriberType = 1;
        applyTariffReq.bearerCapability = "2";
        applyTariffReq.discount = "0";
        // etc ...
        // Create and populate PSICycleUDR                
        PSI.PSICycleUDR cycle = udrCreate(PSI.PSICycleUDR);
        cycle.context = ccr;
        cycle.reqUDR = applyTariffReq;
    } else if (instanceOf(input, PSI.PSICycleUDR)) {
        // Create and route Credit_Control_Answer
        udrRoute(createCCA((PSI.PSICycleUDR)input), "to_diameter");
        // Create transactionId ack
        PSI.PSICycleUDR cycle = (PSI.PSICycleUDR)input;
         if (cycle.hasErrors) {
            for (int i=0; i < listSize(cycle.errors); i++) {
                string error = listGet(cycle.errors, i);   
                // handle errors
        } else {
            if (instanceOf(cycle.respUDR, PSI.ApplyTariffResponse)) {
                PSI.TransactionIdAcknowledge trIdAck = udrCreate(PSI.TransactionIdAcknowledge);
                trIdAck.statusId = 0;
                cycle.ackUDR = trIdAck;
                udrRoute(cycle, "to_psi");