Filters allow the user to filter out and locate erroneous UDRs in Data Veracity. While setting up the query for searching Data Veracity Any search settings you make can also be saved as filters that you can use for future searches. The process of creating and saving the filters can be found in Search.
The Filter Web UI is where the saved filters could be viewed and deleted. It is accessed by clicking on the Filter option in the Data Veracity Web UI Dashboard.
Filters Web UI
Existing filters can not be renamed. Existing filters cannot be edited via the Filter web UI. Users will need to use the Search web UI to update and save existing filters.
Deleting a Filter
Filters can only be deleted from the Filter web UI. Deleting a filter here will remove it completely from Data Veracity.
To delete a filter, you can select one or many filters at once and then click on the Delete button.
You will be prompted with a message asking if you would want to delete the selected filters. If you click OK, the selected filters will be deleted.
Example - Deleting a filter