9.64.4 REST Server Agent Input/Output Data and MIM
Input/Output Data
The Input/Output data is the type of data an agent expects and delivers.
The REST Server agent receives and produces Cycle (REST) types.
For information about the MIM and a list of the general MIM parameters, see 1.2 Administration and Management.
MIM Value | Description |
Discarded REST UDRs | This MIM parameter contains the number of discarded Cycle UDRs due to errors.
Error Response Sent | This MIM parameter contains the error number sent back to the REST client.
HTTP Method Requests Received | This MIM parameter contains a map of the HTTP methods that were received from the REST client request.
Outstanding Requests | This MIM parameter contains the number of outstanding requests that the agent is handling. The value of this MIM parameter is reset when the workflow is started.
<Route> Queue Full Count | This MIM parameter contains the amount of Cycle UDRs left in the queue in the route out of the REST Server agent.
<Route> Queue Size | This MIM parameter contains the queue size of the Cycle UDRs in the route out of the REST Server agent.
<Route> UDRs | This MIM parameter contains the amount of Cycle UDRs that were routed out of the REST Server agent.
Requests Received | This MIM parameter contains the amount of requests the REST Server agent has received throughout its execution.
Response Sent | This MIM parameter contains the amount of responses the REST Server agent has sent back to clients throughout its execution.
Timeout Requests | This MIM parameter contains the number of timeout errors that have occurred.
The agent does not access any MIM parameters.