3.3 PCC in the Web UI
Provisioning of both rules and periods can also be performed by using PCC in the Web UI, which is accessed at:
http://<platform host>:<web interface port>/mz/
For information on how to configure the Web UI, see Setting up access to REST for using PCC in the Web UI in 8. Configuration of Properties for PCC Using the Web UI in the PCC Installation Instructions
Authorization is required, and you will be asked to enter user name and password in order to access the Web UI.
The Web UIÂ Start Page
If your chosen web browser is Firefox, because Firefox does not accept self-signed certificates, you can use Java keytool to create a keystore that is signed by a trusted authority, or you can create a keystore using the following command, and add exceptions to Firefox:
keytool -genkeypair -alias platform -keyalg RSA [-sigalg <sigalg>] -keypass <keypass>  -keystore $MZ_HOME/keys/keystore_generated.key
To add exceptions to Firefox:
- Enter about:preferences#privacy as the address in Firefox and press Enter.
- Go to the Security section and click the View Certificates button.
- Select the Servers tab, and click the Add Exception... button.
- Enter https://<platform host>:<web interface port> and click the Get Certificate button.
- Click Confirm Security Exception.
Repeat these steps for the EC, entering the <EC host>:<EC port> in step 4.
In the Web UI you add, edit, copy and delete settings for:
- Rules Mapping
- PCC Rule
- Charging Rule
- Static Rule
- Dynamic Rule
- Flow Information
- IP Filter Route
- IP Filter Port
- Flow
- Final Indication Rule
- Period
- Periods
- QoS Information
- Allocation Retention Policy
Whenever configurations are viewed, added, edited, copied, or deleted, this is being logged for the EC log with log level INFO.
is by default configured to only register log entries with log level WARNING and higher, so if you want the log entries from the PCC Web UI to be registered, change the log level to INFO instead. See 2.6.7 Log Properties for further information.
The Web UI
In the navigation tree or in the Policy Control page, click the option for the UDR type you want to work with, in order to open the corresponding table with UDRs. See 2.1 Rules Data Model and 2.2 Periods Data Model, for information about the different fields available for each UDR type.
Configuring the Rules Data Model
When you click one of the options, the relevant table opens up, where you can add, edit, copy or delete different UDRs.
The fields displayed in each table differ depending on the UDR type. For detailed information about the different fields in each case, see the relevant section in 2.1 Rules Data Model.
If you just want a quick view of the settings for a specific UDR, click the icon under Actions. A popup containing the settings will then be displayed.
Adding a UDR
To add a UDR in the Web UI:
- In the table page for a specific UDR type, click the New option at the top right of the page to add a new UDR.
The Create New <udr type> page opens. For example, if you want to create a new rule, click the Create PCC Rule button. Enter the values you want to have in the different fields.
You must populate the mandatory fields, which are marked with an asterisk.
If you want to create several UDRs of the same type, select the Create another check box. If you only want to create one UDR of that type, leave this check box unselected.
- Click the Create <udr type> button. For example, to save the new rule that you have created, click the Create PCC Rule button.
The new UDR is created and listed in the table.
Example - The PCC Rules table and Create New PCC Rule page
Searching for a UDR
In the table page for a specific UDR type, start typing the name of the UDR that you are searching for.
The matching names are displayed. You can then select the UDR that you are searching for and edit, copy or delete it as required.
Editing a UDR
To edit a UDR in the Web UI:
- In the table page for a specific UDR type, click the  icon under Actions, to the right of the UDR that you want to edit in the UDR table. Or you can click the name of the UDR that you want to edit in the UDR table.
The settings for the selected UDR type opens. Make your changes in the different fields and click the Save Changes button.
After you have made a change, the Save Changes button is enabled and becomes dark green. After you click the Save Changes button, a message is displayed to confirm that you have made a change. The Save Changes button is disabled and appears light green.
The settings for the UDR are updated, and the new values will be listed in the table of UDRs.
Example - Edit PCC Rule page
Copying a UDR
To copy a UDR in the Web UI:
- In the table page for a specific UDR type, click the icon under Actions, to the right of the UDR that you want to copy in the UDR table. Or you can select the check box to the left of UDR that you want to copy in the UDR table and click the Copy button at the top right of the page.
A message is displayed stating that a copy of the selected UDR has been created, with the ID of the new UDR.
You can search for the copy by entering the ID in the Search field and edit the duplicate UDR as required. Make your changes in the different fields and click the Save Changes button.
The settings for the UDR are updated, and the new values will be listed in the table of UDRs.
Example - Copy a PCC Rule
Deleting a UDR
To delete a UDR in the Web UI, click on the icon under Actions, to the right of the UDR that you want to delete in the UDR table for the selected UDR type. Or you can select the check box to the left of UDR that you want to delete in the UDR table and click the Delete button at the top right of the page.
A message is displayed asking if you are sure that you want to delete the selected UDR.
If you click OK the selected UDR is deleted.
You cannot delete UDRs that are referenced in other UDRs.
Example - Delete a PCC Rule