1. Overview of PCC Rules
With PCC Rules you can create and apply different rules regarding Quality of Service and usage for different subscribers based on subscription type, location, current usage, etc.
PCC Rules enable you to configure your Policy Control and Charging solution, either by applying the APL functions in a batch workflow and/or using the REST HTTP Interface or the Web UI.
Working with PCC Rules encompasses three different areas;
Defining and updating rules - Includes creating, updating and removing rules, which is done either by using APL functions, or through the REST web interface, or via the Web UI.
Managing updates of rules in runtime - Includes ensuring that when rules are updated in runtime, the latest rules will always be returned on rules lookup, which is done in a workflow using the APL functions described in this document.
Looking up rules in runtime - Includes looking up rules based on requests from the network in runtime, which is done in a workflow using the APL functions described in this document.
This documentation package covers information about:
The PCC Rules package in general
APL functions
REST HTTP Interface
Web UI