9.15.5 Data Veracity Web UI

The Data Veracity Web UI allows the user to inspect and maintain erroneous UDRs located in Data Veracity. Users can also view and remove Error Codes, Filters, and Repair Rules as well as Approve or Reject UDRs that have been marked for deletion and edit their content. Error codes are a prerequisite for the data to be collected by a Data Veracity Collection agent.

Apart from simply sending a UDR to Data Veracity, a workflow can be configured to associate user-defined information with the Data Veracity data. These are Error Code and MIM information.


Take special precautions when updating the Ultra formats. It is not possible to collect data from Data Veracity if the corresponding UDR has been renamed. If the format definition has changed, you can still collect the data.

Changes to the formats are handled as follows:

  • Added or renamed fields will be assigned default values.
  • Removed fields will be ignored.
  • Fields that have changed data types will be assigned default values.

The Data Veracity Web UI can be accessed via:

http://<platform host>:<web interface port>/mz/#/dataveracity

Data Veracity Web UI Dashboard

In the Data Veracity Web UI, you can search for erroneous UDRs that were sent to Data Veracity, perform repair jobs on the UDRs, as well as create and manage the Filters, Error Codes, and Repair Rules. Users with the proper permissions and authorizations will have an additional option available to them, Approve Delete.


Approve Delete will only appear for users that are given Write access to Data Veracity. For more information regarding Access Control and how to configure the user's privileges, please refer to /wiki/spaces/MZD73/pages/5657818.