4.3.29 CC Monitoring Event

The CC Monitoring Event is triggered based on the options set in the configuration for the monitoring event in the SAP CC Online agent. The event will be sent when the workflow has stopped or during configurable intervals when the workflow is running.

The following fields are available for CC Monitor events in the Event Setup tab:

CC Monitoring event specific fields

  • agentId
  • averageLatency
  • duration
  • erroneousUDR
  • eventType
  • maxLatency
  • medianLatency 
  • minLatency 
  • percentil90Latency 
  • percentil95Latency 
  • percentil99Latency 
  • processedUDRs 
  • recordingStartDate 
  • throughput 
  • totalAverageLatency
  • totalDuration 
  • totalErroneusUDR 
  • totalProcessedUDRs 
  • totalThroughput 

Fields inherited from the Base event

The following fields are inherited from the Base event, and can also be used for filtering, and described in more detail in 4.3.1 Base Event:

  • category

  • contents

  • eventName

  • origin
  • receiveTimeStamp
  • severity
  • timeStamp