4.3.18 User Agent Message Event

This event holds a value only if the APL function dispatchMessage has been used. The following fields are included:

  •   agentMessage - Message issued by the agent.
  •   agentName - The name of the agent issuing the event.

  Fields inherited from the Base event

The following fields are inherited from the Base event, and described in more detail in 4.3.1 Base Event:

  • category
  • contents - Workflow: <Workflow name> Agent name: <Agent name>, Message: <message>
  • eventName
  • origin
  • receiveTimeStamp
  • severity
  • timeStamp

  Fields inherited from the Workflow event

The following fields are inherited from the Workflow event, and described in more detail in 4.3.14 Workflow Event:

  • workflowKey
  • workflowName
  • workflowGroupName