3.8.3 Oracle RAC Connection

The following steps are applicable when using Oracle RAC: 

  1. Go to the "Oracle Database Software Downloads" web page: 
  2. Find the Oracle database version 12 download links for your operating system. Click See All.
  3. On the next page, search for "Oracle Database <version> Client” and click on the link to download the zip file.
  4. Unzip the file in an installation directory and install by entering the command: ./runInstall
  5. During installation, take extra notice to the following parts:
    1. In the Available Product Components dialog, select "Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces" and "Oracle Connection Manager".
    2. In the Perform Prerequisite Checks dialog, tick the box "Ignore All".
  6. After a successful installation, go to the installation directory and enter the following commands to find the ons.jar and ojdbc<version>.jar files: 
    $ find . -name ons.jar
    $ find . -name ojdbc*.jar 
  7. Store ons.jar and ojdbc<version>.jar in a directory that is available on the Platform Container host.
  8. Run the the following command to install Oracle drivers and to configure the Oracle connection parameters:

    $ ./setup.sh configure_oracle


    The above command will ask for the user to input to the Oracle driver directory. It can also be passed as an argument by running the command as follows:

    ./setup.sh -Dmz.3pp.dir=/oracle/jdbc/driver/dir configure_oracle
  9. Set the url property of the standard service storage-dispatcher.

    mzsh topo set topo://services:standard/val:storage-dispatcher.storage-dispatcher1.\
    config.url "<jdbc connection string>"

    Example - JDBC connection string

    mzsh topo set topo://services:standard/val:storage-dispatcher.storage-dispatcher1.\
    config.url '
    (load_balance=no))(connect_data=(service_name= orcl)))'
  10. In order for Fast Connection Failover, FCF, to work, the ONS must be configured in the database as well as in . In the software, this is done by setting the property mz.jdbc.oracle.ons in the storage-dispatcher service configuration. This property should contain the information found in the ONS configuration file ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/ons.config.

    The ONS string in the property must at least specify the node's ONS configuration attribute, that is the host:port pairs preceded by the text "node=" and separated by a comma (,). The hosts and ports denote the remote ONS daemons available on the Oracle RAC nodes.

    Example - Setting mz.jdbc.oracle.ons

    $ mzsh topo set topo://services:standard/val:storage-dispatcher.storage-dispatcher1.config.db-properties.mz.jdbc.oracle.ons '