3.8.2 Oracle Connection
The following steps are applicable when using an Oracle database. For the configuration of Oracle RAC, skip to 3.8.3 Oracle RAC Connection.
- Go to the Oracle JDBC driver download page:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/jdbc/index-091264.html. - Download the JDBC driver (
) for Oracle database version 12.1. This driver also works with Oracle database version 11.2. - Store the JDBC driver in a directory that is available on the Platform Container host.
Run the following command to install Oracle drivers and configure the Oracle connection parameters:
$ ./setup.sh configure_oracle
The above command will ask for the user to input to the Oracle driver directory. It can also be passed as an argument by running the command as follows:
./setup.sh -Dmz.3pp.dir=/oracle/jdbc/driver/dir configure_oracle
If you are using Oracle 12, it is recommended that you set the property jvmargs.args
to -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/urandom
for all Pico instances that are expected to open connections towards Oracle. This is because the JDBC driver has changes that have better performance using /dev/urandom