Accessing the Usage Engine CE APIs
This page describes the high-level steps of how an external application communicates with the Usage Engine APIs using Client Credentials. You need an authorization token to access the Usage Engine API. See the following example of an authorization token:
{"access_token":{{Encoded token}},
"scope":"create:meter_types create:meters",
By design, the Client Credentials flows do not have a refresh flow so a new access token needs to be requested every time the token expires. The tokens are valid for one hour. As part of the authorization token, you will receive the lifetime (expires_in
) of the token in seconds.
Example - Getting an OAuth 2 Token Using curl
This works in bash and zsh. To avoid exposing the credentials we are storing them in variables. For information about how to define variables in any other environment, see the respective documentation. The Client Secret is sensitive information and it is important not to expose it unnecessarily. The audience is the API address you are going to send requests to. Read more at Getting started with APIs using Curl
client_id={{your client ID}}
client_secret={{your client secret}}
audience={{your api environment}}
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data client_id=${client_id} \
--data client_secret=${client_secret} \
--data grant_type='client_credentials' \
--data audience=${audience}