Stream editor

Stream editor

You create and edit streams in the Stream editor, which you open by clicking Create new stream or opening an existing stream on the Solution page. It consists of a canvas, a function library, a toolbar, execution buttons, and status and validation indicators.

Stream editor, with canvas, Function library and toolbar

In the the Stream editor, you have two modes; View and Edit. When creating a new stream, the Stream editor will open up in Edit mode and when opening an existing stream, the Stream editor will open up in View mode and the function library will not be visible. You can switch between the two modes by using the the View and Edit buttons in the toolbar.

To return to the Solution page, click on the arrow to the left of the stream name.

Function library

The function library contains all the integrated functions you can use in Usage Engine sorted into three tabs based on the function type; Collectors, Processors, and Forwarders.

For information on the different functions in the function library, see Functions


The toolbar contains the following buttons and settings:





View button - When the button is blue, you are in View mode. When the button is white, you are in Edit mode. Click on this button to switch to View mode.

Edit button - When the button is blue, you are in Edit mode. When the button is white, you are in View mode. Click on this button to switch to Edit mode.


If you navigate away from the Stream editor, you will switch to View mode. The Edit mode will only be active as long as you keep the Stream editor open.

Export button - Click on this button to open the Export stream dialog, in which you can either copy the content of the stream, or download the stream to import into a solution. See https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAZ/pages/370705797 for more information.

View audit button - Click on this button to open the Audit page for the stream. See https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAZ/pages/370704879 for more information.

View logs button - Click on this button to open the Logs page for the stream. See https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAZ/pages/370704561 for more information.

Undo button - Click on this button to undo your latest change to the stream.

Redo button - Click on this button to redo the latest change you undid using the Undo button.

Zoom slider - Use the zoom slider to zoom the canvas in and out.

Execution buttons

The following execution buttons are available





Start button - When you have created a complete stream with no errors, click on the Start button to run it. The status will then turn into Running and the Start button will turn into the Stop button. When the stream has completed the run, the button will turn into the Start button again.

Stop button - You can stop a running stream at any time by clicking on the Stop button. The status will then turn into Stopped and the Stop button will turn into the Start button.


You can also stop a stream in the Solution page by clicking on the More button for the stream and selecting Stop from the popup menu, see Solutions.

Status and validation indicators

The stream can have the following status and validations:


