Usage audit

Audit generates basic information about a transaction once it has been completed successfully. The usage audit acquires information about transaction records based on collected analytics data. The usage audit logs are retained for 180 days and is available in the Usage audit tab on the Audit page.

The Usage Audit tab in the main Audit view

The information in the Usage audit tab is shown in a table, organized in columns by different fields.

You can filter and sort the information in various ways:

  • Date and time selection: Click on the calendar icon in the date field at the top and select from which date and time to which date and time you want to show information.

  • Sort – Click on the arrow icons next to the column titles to sort the data into ascending (smallest to largest) or descending (largest to smallest) order.

  • Search – Click on the magnifying glass icon to filter on a specific value or character inside the data in the column. This option is available for the Execution, Total input, and Total output columns.

To reload the data, click the Refresh icon on the right side. 

The Usage audit tab contains the following columns: 





Transaction Start Time

Indicates the start date and time of the audit capture

Transaction End Time

Indicates the end date and time of the audit capture


Shows the stream ID


Shows the source of the records

Total Input

Shows the total number of input records in the stream

Total Output

Shows the total number of output records in the stream

Custom audit

You can design custom audit to provide deeper business insights by using the audit-specific statements in the Script Function. Configuration is done in the Script function. If any custom columns are added, they will be distinguished by a border and light blue coloring.