External Reference(2.2)

The External Reference profile allows you to use configuration values that originate from property files or exported environment variables from the Platform's startup shell. 

Required Properties

To use this property the mzonline.host and mzonline.port properties need to be added! 

You can use the values provided by External Reference profiles in workflow and agent profile configurations. 


For instructions on how to define complex parameters such as lists of brokers, refer to Profiles (2.2).

To create a new External Reference Profile configuration, click the New Configuration button in the upper left part of the Desktop window, and then select External Reference Profile from the menu.


External Reference Type

From the drop-down list select the External Reference source type.

The following types are available:

  • S3 Properties File - A file on an Amazon Web Service S3 bucket. For more information, refer to /wiki/spaces/MD/pages/3223014.
  • Properties File - A file on the Platform host.
  • Environment Variable -  Exported environment variables from the Platform's startup shell.
  • Properties Database - Use the internal database as External Reference source. To store values in the internal database, use the web interface  and enter values for needed Database Keys.

External References Limitation

The External references profile cannot use the "Properties File" type when setting up EC deployments in mzonline workflows. 

Properties File

This field is available when you have selected Properties File in External Reference Type.

Enter the path and the name of the properties file.

Local Key

The name to use when referring to this external reference in the workflow table and profiles which allow the use of external references.

Properties File Key

This field is available when you have selected Properties File in External Reference Type.

The name of the External Reference in the properties file or environment variable.

Database Key

This field is available when you have selected Properties Database in External Reference Type.

The name of the External Reference in the Database.


The current value of the External Reference in the properties file or environment variable. To update the value from the Properties file, use the Refresh button. If values are not displayed, make sure that a properties file is available in the specified path or that the environment variables are set.


Environment variables that are set after Platform start are not available in the External Reference profile.


In Kubernetes deployment it is possible to provision environment specific external reference values for file based External Reference Profiles by defining them as configMaps as part of the Helm values file. For example:

	- file: extrefs.txt
   	  data: |