Executive Summary

New Functionality

The following new functionality has been added in this release:


System Requirements

For information about system requirements, see System Requirements.

Important Information

The following important information applies:

Functionality Not Available

Standalone Execution Context replaced with Standalone Workflows

Replaced and Sunset Functionality

Some Functionality only Available in Legacy Desktop Client

Special Handling When Upgrading

REST not Supported for Conditional Trace

New Delivery Procedure

Context-Sensitive Help and Offline Documentation in Browser Not Available

Performance Degradation When Using Unsupported Oracle versions and Oracle JDBC drivers

Removal of Interactive Mode in MZSH


See Important Information for full details

Known Issues Overview

The following is an overview of the known issues in this release:

Installation issues

Upgrade issues

User Interface issues

Fixed Known Issues

See Known Issues for full  details.

Installation, Upgrade and Downgrade

For instructions on how to install, upgrade and downgrade, refer to Installation Instructions.