Summary View


To display the Summary view, open a solution and click on the Data Correction tab. 

Data correction tab

On this page, you can see a list of all records that have failed validation in the current solution. The records are grouped per error type, making it easy to find and filter out the errors.


data correction - mainpage.png
Data correction Summary view


The Summary view consists of:


The toolbar contains the following buttons:





Click the Filter button to open the Filter panel where you can use different filter criteria to determine which records to display. You can filter on a date (or a period), error status, stream name, or error keyword.



  • Click the Filter button at the bottom to save and apply the filter.

  • Once you save a filter, you will see the Clear Filter option at the bottom of the Filter panel. Click Clear Filter to remove the current filter and display the full result. 

  • Click the 'X' icon or the Hide filter button to hide the Filter panel.

Click the Display options button to customize which elements you want to see on the Summary page.




After making your selection, click Apply to save and view the changes.

Click the Refresh button to refresh the data.

Overview Widgets

The overview widgets at the top of the Data Correction Summary view contain key statistics for the current solution. The values in the overview widgets are automatically adjusted based on the applied filters.


For faster processing, the number of records shown can vary depending on:

  • If the number of records is less than 10,000, you will see the exact number of records.

  • If the number of records is more than 10000 records, you will see an estimate. For example: 10000+, 100000+


The overview widgets display the following information:

Widget name


Widget name


All records

Total number of records present in Data Correction.

New records

Total number of records that have not been corrected or reprocessed. 

Corrected records

Total number of records that are only corrected but not sent for reprocessing.

Pending reprocessing

Total number of records that are queued for reprocessing 

Failed records

Total number of records that failed reprocessing.

Data Correction Table

The Data Correction table displays a summary of unique errors encountered within a solution. It organizes records sharing the same error type from each stream in the solution, making bulk corrections easier.

To view detailed information about the invalid records or to take action on these records, you can either click on the arrow sign in front of the error or click on the row. 


The Data Correction Table displays the following information:

Column name


Column name



Click on an error to see the following details:

  • Stream name: Name of the stream where this error occurred.

  • Function name: Name of the Function 

  • Records: Number of invalid records

  • Actions: Displays the View link. This link will take you to the Detail view page.


Number of stream(s) for which this error occurred.


Number of record(s) for which this error occurred.

Last created

The time elapsed since the last time this type of error occurred.