Error Tab (2.2)

The Error tab contains configurations related to error handling of the workflow. Since the batch concept does not exist for real-time workflows, batch related options in the tab are only valid for batch workflows. 


Abort After One Cancel Batch

If enabled, the workflow immediately aborts on the first Cancel Batch message from any agent in the workflow. The erroneous data batch is kept in its original place and must be moved/deleted manually before the workflow can be started again.

Abort After One Cancel Batch Followed By X Consecutive Cancel Batches

If enabled, the value of X indicates the number of allowed Cancel Batch calls, from any agent in a workflow before the workflow will be aborted. The counter is reset between each successfully processed data batch. Thus, if 5 is entered, the workflow will abort on the 6th data batch in a row that is reported erroneous. All erroneous files, but the first one, are removed from the stream and placed into Data Veracity or ECS.

Do Not Abort After Cancel Batch

The workflow will never abort. However, as with the other error handling options, the System Log is always updated for each Cancel Batch message, and files are sent to Data Veracity or ECS.

Error Batch TypeWhen selecting Abort After X Consecutive Cancel Batch or the Never Abort options above, the Error Batch Type radio buttons will be enabled. Choosing Data Veracity will send all erroneous batch to Data Veracity while choosing ECS will send the erroneous batch to ECS.

Data Veracity Error Batch Handling

Data Veracity will allow for the handling of erroneous batch files received from the input source. You will be required to set up a database table prior to setting up the error batch handling for your workflows. You can find more information regarding Data Veracity from Data Veracity (2.2) .

The Data Veracity Error UDR sections will be grayed out until one of the Abort After X Consecutive Cancel Batch  or  Never Abort  alternatives is selected and Error Batch Type is set to Data Veracity.


Error Code

Drop-down list where an error code that has been defined from the error code web interface can be selected. You can refer to Error Codes (2.2) for instructions. The Error Codes are shared between Data Veracity and ECS. 

Data Veracity Profile

The Data Veracity profile to be used. You can refer to Data Veracity(2.2) for instructions to set up the profile for use.

Named MIMs

MIM values to be associated with the erroneous batch file when sent to Data Veracity. The Named MIMs added in the Data Veracity Profile should be listed in the table.  

MIM Resource

The MIM Resource column is populated with the MIM values that are based on the MIM parameters that are selected from the MIM Browser dialog.

ECS Error Batch Handling

A UDR that contains information on selected MIMs can be associated with the batch. This is useful when reprocessing a batch from ECS, the fields of the Error UDR will appear as MIMs in the collecting workflow.

The batch UDR may be populated from Analysis or Aggregation agents as well. This is useful if you want to enter other values than MIMs.

The ECS Batch Error UDR section will be grayed out until one of the  Abort After X Consecutive Cancel Batch  or  Never Abort  alternatives is selected and Error Batch Type is set to ECS.



Error Code

Drop-down list where an error code that has been defined in the  Error Correction System Inspector  can be selected.

Error UDR Type

The error UDR to be associated with the batch. The appropriate format can be selected from the  UDR Internal Format Browser  dialog opened by selecting the browser button.

The columns  UDR Field  and  MIM Resource  are populated depending on the selected UDR type.

UDR Field

A list of all the fields available for the selected  Error UDR Type.

MIM Resource

The  MIM Resource  column is populated by clicking  (Map to MIM...). The preferred MIM to map to the  Error UDR Type  fields can then be selected from the  MIM Browser  dialog.

Logged MIMs

The column  Error MIMs  holds information on what MIM resources to be logged in the System Log when the workflow aborts or sends UDRs and batches to ECS. These values may also be viewed from ECS (the  MIM  column).

The most relevant resources to select are things that identify the data batch, such as the  source filename, if available.

Note that this is only a short summary of the functionality description. For further information, see Error Correction System (2.2).