MariaDB (4.3)

This section contains information that is specific to the database type MariaDB.

Supported Functions

The MariaDB database can be used with:

  • Callable Statements (APL)

  • Database Bulk Lookup Functions (APL)

  • Database Table Related Functions (APL)

  • Event Notifications

  • Prepared Statements (APL)

  • Reference Data Management

  • SQL Collection/Forwarding Agents

  • SQL Loader Agent

  • Task Workflows Agents (SQL)


A database driver is required to connect to a MariaDB database. This driver must be stored in the Platform Container.

Follow the steps below if MariaDB is not set up during the installation of the Platform Container:

  1. Set up a persistent file system.

  2. Download the JDBC driver (mariadb-java-client-<version>.jar) for the appropriate MariaDB database version. You can find it at

  3. Copy the downloaded file(s) to the directory MZ_HOME/3pp on the platform-0 pod.

Example - Copy the JDBC driver to the directory

$ kubectl cp mariadb-java-client-<version>.jar platform-0:/opt/mz/persistent/3pp -n <namespace>
  1. Restart the Platform and ECs for the change to take effect. You should be able to select the MariaDB option from the Database profile after this step.

Example - Restart the platform and EC pods

$ kubectl delete pod platform-0 -n <namespace>
  1. Restart the Desktop.