

This section contains information that is specific to the database type Oracle.

Supported Functions

The Oracle database can be used with:

  • Audit Profile

  • Database Collection/Forwarding Agents

  • Event Notifications


When selecting the Oracle database type, you can configure the following properties using the Properties tab in the Database profile:

  • oracle.pool.connectionwaittimeout

  • oracle.pool.maxlimit

  • oracle.net.encryption_client

  • oracle.net.encryption_types_client

  • oracle.net.crypto_checksum_client

  • oracle.net.crypto_checksum_types_client


A database driver is required to connect to an Oracle database. This driver must be stored in the Platform. Follow these steps if Oracle was not set up during the installation of the Platform:

  1. Set up a persistent file system.

  2. Download the JDBC driver (ojdbc<version>.jar) for the appropriate Oracle database version. You can find it at Oracle.com.

  1. Copy the JDBC driver to the $MZ_HOME/persistent/3pp folder on the plaform-0 pod.

Example - Copy the JDBC driver to the directory

$ kubectl cp ojdbc8.jar platform-0:/opt/mz/persistent/3pp -n <namespace>
  1. Restart the platform and EC pods.

Example - Restart the platform and EC pods

$ kubectl delete pod platform-0 -n <namespace>
  1. Restart the Desktop.