UDP Configuration(4.3)

The configuration of the UDP agent consists of the following tabs:

  • UDP
  • Decoder


The UDP tab consists of the following settings:



The IP address or hostname to which the UDP collector will bind. If the host is bound the port must also be bound. If this field is left empty, the UDP collector binds to all IP addresses available on the system.


The port number from which the data is received, by default set to 3310. Make sure the port is not used by other applications.

Decoder Tab

The Decoder tab consists of the following settings:



The list of available decoders introduced through the Ultra Format Editor. The decoders are named according to the following syntax:

<decoder> (<module>)

The available Decoder formats are:

  • CSV Format: If this format is selected, you must specify the UDR Type and the Format. If the selected Format is Custom, you must specify the following options:
    • Delimiter
    • Use Quote: If this check box is selected, you can specify the Quote.
    • Line Break
  • JSON Format: If this format is selected, you must specify the UDR Type, Unmapped Fields (if any) and the Schema Path.
  • MZ Tagged Format: Select this option to make the Tagged UDR Type list accessible for configuration. If this option is selected, the Tagged UDR Type list will be enabled. MZ Tagged Format UDRs indicate that the expected UDRs are stored in one of the built-in  formats. If the compressed format is used, the decoder will automatically detect this.
    • Tagged UDR Type: The list of available internal UDR formats stored in the Ultra and Code servers. The formats are named according to the following syntax: <internal> (<module>). If the decoder is to reprocess UDRs of an internal format, the Decoder MZ format tagged UDRs has to be selected to enable this list. Once enabled, the internal format may be selected.

Full Decode

Select this checkbox to fully decode the UDR before it is inserted into the workflow.