Batch-Based Real-Time Agents - Transaction Behavior(4.3)

This section describes the transaction behavior for the agents. For more information about general transaction behavior, see Workflow Monitor (4.3) | Transactions.

Transaction behavior for the agents differs from when the batch agents are added to batch workflows.

Cancel Batch does not function in the same way in real-time workflows as it does in batch workflows. You configure in the Execution tab of agent configuration if you want Cancel Batch messages to be sent if a decoding error occurs, as described in Batch-Based Real-Time Agents - Agent Configuration(4.3).

Cancel Batch messages are sent:

  • If a decoding error occurs, and you have selected the Cancel Batch option in the agent configuration

  • If you have selected for files to be decompressed in the Decompression tab of agent configuration and it fails, e g because a file is corrupt or is not compressed.

When Cancel Batch is called, the file is handled according to how After Collection behavior has been specified in the agent configuration. Nothing is sent to ECS or Data Veracity, and processing skips to the next batch.

Note concerning Transation Behavior

Forwarding agents: No support for transaction in realtime workflows.

Collecting agents: No support for transaction in realtime workflows. But you can still manually handle the emitted transaction events. When the collector would have emitted a beginBatch or endBatch in a batch workflow it will instead send a special beginbatch or endbatch UDR so that the workflow logic can act on these events.


The agent emits commands that change the state of the file currently processed.





Begin Batch

Emitted before the first part of each collected file is fed into a workflow.

End Batch

Emitted after the last part of each collected file has been fed into the system.


The agent retrieves commands from other agents and based on them generates a state change of the file currently processed.





Cancel Batch

If a Cancel Batch message is received, the file is handled according to how After Collection behavior has been specified in the agent configuration.


If the Cancel Batch behavior defined in the collection agent dialog is configured to abort the workflow, the agent will never receive the last Cancel Batch message.