Link UDR(4.3)
The Link UDR
is used to create a link. A link can be used to either navigate to another page or open a dialog. To create a normal link of a text, set the text field. To add a link to an icon, add the IconUDR to the components
To get a working link, the URL field or dialog field must be set.
You can use the following APL code to create a link that uses the 'url' field:
Link page2 = udrCreate(Link);
page2.text = "Go to next page";
page2.url = "/page2";
You can use the following APL code to create a link that uses the 'dialog' field:
// Create the dialog that will open when clicking the link
PlainText bodyText = udrCreate(PlainText);
bodyText.value = "Dialog Body";
Dialog linkDialog = udrCreate(Dialog);
linkDialog.dialogBody = bodyText;
// Create a link that opens the dialog created above
Link openDialog = udrCreate(Link);
openDialog.text = "Open dialog";
openDialog.dialog = linkDialog;
The following fields are included in the Link UDR
Field | Description |
attributes (map<string,string>) | This field may contain extra attributes to be added. |
components (list<ComponentUDR>) | This field may contain a list of child components. This can be used if for example a icon should act as a link. |
cssClasses (list<string>) | This field may contain a list of extra values added to class attribute. This is typically used to style the component. Please read more on Bootstrap. |
dialog (Dialog UDR) | This field may contain a Dialog UDR if the link should open a dialog. If the Dialog UDR have the field addAutomatic it will also be added to the page. |
id (string) | This field may contain the id of the component |
url (string) | This field may contain the url to the linked page. |
text (string) | This field may contain a link text, then a text component will be added as a child component. It can also be done manually by adding a component in the components list. |